Ch. 19) Maybe?

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           //Trigger warnings!! Blood, abuse?, and swearing? Let me know if I missed any or made any mistakes!! Thanks!!//

           *Virgil's pov*

       It's been a few days, no, weeks since I've seen anyone other than Remus, Deceit, and Insanity. Everytime Insanity came to see me I would get beat and this time wasn't any different. I was laying on the floor, my own blood pooling around me as I got kicked in the stomach again causing me to cough violently. Blood dripped out of my mouth and the multiple wounds on my side and arms.
         "You're stupid!! Worthless!! No one could ever love a mistake like you!!" Insanity keeps going with the insults.
          "He's right. No one loves me. How could they when I look like this? Maybe the light sides are happy that I'm gone, they never really liked me anyways....." My thoughts were worse than the insults I got. I coughed again, more blood seeping out of my side as I tried to sit up. Insanity harshly grabbed my hair and pulled me up.
          "You're so weak, can't even take a beating." He scoffs and slams my head into the wall. Everything starts to blur together as I hear him call for someone. The door opens and I hiss at the light and get kicked again. "Shut up!!" All I can do at this point is nod before I start coughing again and pass out from the blood loss.

      +Deceit's pov+ //OooOoOo, new pov!!//

      I was currently being cornered by Remus as he flirts with me.
     "So, Double D, do you have any plans for tonight because I do~" Remus puts his arms on the wall by my head, making sure I couldn't leave without answering him like I normally do. I was about to answer back before Insanity calls me from upstairs.
      "I have to go for now but, yes, I do have plans for tonight and none of them involve you. Bye~" Remus pouts as I pat his cheek, duck under his arms, and walk up the stairs to the room Virgil was staying in. I open the door to hear Virgil hiss softly before getting kicked.
     "Shut up!!" Insanity looks at me and dusts his hands off on the suit he was wearing as Virgil nods before coughing violently and passing out. I feel bad for him but I can't act like I do.
      "What do you need, Sir?" My eyes focus on Insanity as he walks towards me.
       "Make sure he doesn't die and get him cleaned up for crying out loud. He looks bad." He walks out of the room with a disgusted face as I nod to him.
         "I'll make sure it gets done." Once the door is shut and I'm sure Insanity is gone, I rush over to Virgil and pick him up in my arms. I gently set him on the bed and sigh softly. He looks so torn up and is covered in blood. I start to walk to the bathroom to get some medical supplies.
       "....D-Deceit...?" A soft voice calls out and I stop walking to the bathroom and turn around.
        "Virgil?" He tries to sit up but I rush over to him and make him lay down. "Don't get up, you /won't/ get hurt if you do." I silently curse myself for lying to him.
         "Dece..." Virgil coughs and some blood falls out of his mouth. "I-I' for leaving you....I of the light sides was nice to me once wh-when i was sti-still with you and...I-I wanted that feeling to st-stay...." His eyes are trying to focus on me but they keep shutting and look clouded over. "...if I had-hadn't done this then maybe...maybe this wouldn't be happening.....?"
        "Virgil, it's okay. I /don't/ promise." I look at him and grab his hand as he gives me a weak smile. "I'll be right back, okay?" Virgil nods slightly and coughs again as I run into the bathroom.

      //Time skip just cause I don't know what to do for this part. Also, you all are lovely and amazing people!!//

         While I was cleaning Virgil up he had passed out again. I would be lying, (hah), if I said he was in good shape. I'm decently sure that he has a few cracked ribs and a concussion. Once I was done wrapping the last bandage around his stomach I sigh and pull the blanket over him. "I so sorry this is happening to you, Virgil. I wish I could help but....I can't...I'm sorry..." I'm well aware that he can't hear me but it feels good to say it to him. No one can know that I'm actually "emotional." I sigh and yawn a bit, covering my mouth as I do. "Maybe I should go find Remus, he might still be awake right now." My thoughts wonder to Remus as I lay my head on Virgil's bed and fall asleep.

      °Remus' pov°  //whOa, tWo nEw PovS in the sAmE cHapTeR?!?!?//

          Insanity walks downstairs a few minutes after Deceit leaves. I sigh as I see him but put on a smile. "Heyyy~ What's going on, Sir?" Insanity gives me a disgusted looks and walks away from me.
          "Nothing, now, go find something to do before I give you something to do." He walks into the kitchen as I laugh.
          "Maybe I'll go do Dee~ Thanks for the idea!!" I run off before he can respond back. Normally he would go off on a side for saying things like that but he won't on me because he knows its normal behaviour for me. He also knows that if he tries to beat me or anything I'll just make it uncomfortable for him. Running up the steps, I decide to check on Virgil. When I walk in my heart practically melts at the sight. Virgil was asleep and curled up under his blanket while Deceit sat in a chair by the bed. He was asleep, his hat had fallen on the floor and he was snoring softly. Deceit had his head resting on the bed by Virgil's legs. I silently pad over to where Dee is and pick him up, making sure to grab his hat. When I pick Deceit up, he grabs onto my shirt and nuzzles into my chest. I smile softly at him as I carry him to his room. Normally, people would assume that I can't be soft and gentle with things, and they're right!! I can't be soft and gentle with things but Deceit, I can be soft and gentle to him and only him. When I set Dee on his bed he wouldn't let go of my shirt so I shrugged and laid down with him, wrapping my arms around him and pulling a blanket around us. I softly kiss his forehead and run my hand through his hair. "I love you, DeeDee...." Knowing he won't hear me say that to him makes me kind of sad but, maybe I'll tell him how I feel one day, just maybe.

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