Ch.11) Is this love?

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        //Trigger warning!! Strong Language!!// 

       ((I did get grounded again so sorry about the long delay. The chapters will come out a bit slowly until I get ungrounded. That's all for now. Enjoy the chapter!!))

    #Logan's pov.#

             Roman had sprained his wrist. Something had happened between him and Virgil. Although he tried to explain I couldn't understand him through his jumbled up words. From what I understood Virgil had a panic attack and Roman tried to help him through it. Then, Roman asked about something and Virgil started to go through another panic attack shoving Roman out of his room. Which then caused Roman to flip out and sprain his wrist on the door. Right now I am currently sitting on Patton's bed with him. He started to cry after Roman told us what had happened with Virgil. "Here Patton take this." I handed him his stuffed bear.

           "T-thanks Logan..." He buried his face in the bear. "Logan....?" Patton's voice was slightly muffled.

           "Yes Patton?" I placed my hand on his back and he stiffened for a second.

           "Why do you think Virgil did that to Roman?" Patton looked up at me with tear filled eyes. I froze for a second remembering our shared kiss.

            "Maybe..." I started off but stopped myself. 'I should only tell him good things. Not what I think happened.' Letting out a small sigh I continued my thought. "...maybe Virgil did what he did because he was scared." Patton looked a bit confused but nodded his head like he understood. He yawned and leaned against my chest.

        "Thank you Logan." I wrapped my arms around him.

        "What are you thanking me for?" Patton shut his eyes and yawned again. He clutched his bear to his chest and fell asleep leaving my question unanswered.

      ^Patton's pov.^

         Logan was sitting with me on my bed. He gave me my favorite bear, Marcus. I had just asked him why Virgil did what he did.

          "Maybe.....maybe he did what he did because he was scared." I thought for a second on what or why he would have to be scared of before I nodded. A yawn left my mouth before I could stop it and I got really tired after that. I leaned against Logan's chest. He tensed up before settling down a bit.

             "Thank you Logan." He put his arms around me in a hug. I felt my eyes start to close and another yawn started to leave my mouth. Logan said something but all I heard was,

             "" I yawned again and grabbed tightly onto my bear before I fell asleep. One thing I felt before I was actually asleep though was Logan lightly kissing me on the forehead.

     ~Roman's pov.~

              Huffing I got out of my bed and winced at a bit. My hand, or more specially, my wrist, was sprained. When I told Logan and Patton what happened, I made sure to leave out a few details. Like, that when I walked into the room, Virgil was basically unconscious, the hand prints around his neck, and the fact that he was holding his side. (His Sander Side!! I...I'll leave...o-okay.....okay I'll let myself out now....) I had walked into my bathroom as all these thoughts were flooding my mind. My wrist was throbbing so I took the bandage off of it. Logan had instructed me to keep ice on it for a least twenty minutes and when it starts to hurt change the bandage on it. He also explained that we heal faster than normal people so it should be fine in two days. After changing the bandage I crawled back into my bed and turned on Disney movies. I couldn't constraint on the movies at all, my mind kept going back to Virgil. I keep wondering if he's okay or not. Standing up so fast I got dizzy, I went to Virgil's room. 'Hopefully he's alright, hopefully he'll let me in.' When I reached Virgil's door I could hear music playing softly. The dent I made in the door was still there. I lightly ran my hand over the dent before knocking, making sure to hide my sprained wrist. Instead of an answer, the music got louder. 'So he heard me then.' I knocked again and the music got louder. Smiling to myself, because I knew Virgil was most likely okay, I knocked once more. Instead of the music getting louder it shut off and a few thuds were heard before the door slightly opened. "Hello Virgil!!" He opened his door a bit more his hood was up and his eye-shadow was darker than normal. The hand marks were gone but it looked like his side still hurt him.

       "What do you want Sir Sings a Lot?" I smiled to myself. 

       'Never thought I would be happy to have him insult me.' The side of his mouth quirked up a bit before he hid his face from me.

       "I happen to like that name emo nightmare." I winked at him. Virgil walked out of his room and shut his door behind him.

         "I kinda figured as much from you princy." A small smirk. I acted offended, accidentally bringing my sprained wrist up to my chest.

         "Ouch!!" A sharp, hot pain went through the injured area. Virgil stared at my wrist with a frown. He hid in his jacket a bit more.

        "What did you do to your wrist Roman?" I felt a pang of something shoot through my chest at seeing Virgil cower away from me like that. I put my wrist back down at my side.

        " was upset at the moment and punched something." Virgil looked at me then glanced at his door. He kept trying to hide.

          "O-okay....thanks for not lying to me." A very forced smile. Virgil went to walk back into his room but I grabbed his shoulder before he could. He flinched away from me. 

          "Virgil......" I looked at him with pity and sadness. He growled and glared at me from under his hood.

           "I don't want your fucking pity or your stupid sadness Roman!!! I never wanted yours, Logan's, Patton's, or even Thomas's!! Now leave me the fuck alone Roman!!!" Virgil turned and slammed his door in my face. 

Help me.  (Roman x Virgil)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat