Ch. 32) Explanation

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//Trigger warning! None besides strong language

After Virgil had told Logan everything, from the moment this started to where they were now. They sit in silence for a moment before Logan stands abruptly, going over to his desk and grabbing a pencil and note pad, flipping to an open page and jotting down notes. He taps his pencil against the pad, humming in thought.

"So, in the other.... universe," He waves his hand around a bit. "Insanity is trying to take over Thomas' mind basically?"

Virgil shakes his head before nodding. "Yes, but no? I just really know he want to but it feels like thats not all he wants to do."

Nodding in understanding, Logan writes that down and paces around his room. "So, what I'm getting from this is that, you're still asleep." Virgil tries to speak up but the other side holds up his hand to keep him quiet so he can finish his thought. "Think about it, Virgil. Normally, in a circumstance like this, you wouldn't be able to switch realities. Though, yes, we are imaginary, none of what's happening to you should be logically possible. Although, Insanity is a very real threat to you, this is all in your head." He taps Virgil's messy hair with the end of his pencil. "With that being said, you, only you, have the power to stop him. Both realities you've been going between aren't real. Though I'm sure theres a lesson to be learned from this. Look for it, Virgil. Find what you need to do to end this dream."

With that concluded, Virgil speaks up. "So what you're saying is that I'm still asleep and none of this is real?"

Fixing his glasses he nods. "Precisely."

Wringing his hands together and darting his eyes around the anxious trait nods. "I need to stop this then." He stands up, looking back at Logan as he goes towards the door. "Thank you."

Logan nods with a small smile. Before he could leave he speaks up. "Oh, and Virgil? Look inside yourself for the answer. This is happening for a reason. Maybe more than one reason actually. Inside, your battling yourself and its, metaphorically, an ocean of emotions inside of you. The tide doesn't come and go but comes and only gets worse, flooding away those good emotions and making you feel less of that self worth you need to feel."

Listening to this, he nods and hugs Logan tightly before whispering a small, "Thank you." He quickly left the room, going to find someone that he desperately needed to talk to.

~Small time skip~

Knocking on the door for a third time, his eyes dart around and he tugs at the collar of his shirt. Finally the door opened to reveal the one person he wanted, no needed to see. "Roman." Red dusted his cheeks as he didn't mean for the princes' name to come out of his mouth like that. A small and breathless plea, holding so much emotion.

"Virgil? Are you feeling alright?" Said prince just brushed this off, of course his cheeks flushed as well but he didn't want to say anything in fear it would make the emo turn and leave. He was finally blessed with his presence and didn't want him to go so soon.

"Yeah, yes, yes!" Virgil shifts around uncomfortably, fanning his face off, his anxiety causing him to overheat. "Sorry, can I come in?"

Roman nods, holding open his door more for him to enter. Quickly walking in and stripping off his jacket, carelessly tossing it onto the bed, he sighed as the cool air of the room calmed him down. "What did you need, Virge?"

"Right, right. I need to tell you something that I should've said a while ago. It doesn't really matter what your reaction is because none if this is real anyways but I still need to know." He speaks as he turns to face him.

A confused look crosses Roman's face. "Not real? What do you-"

He got cut off by Virgil shuffling over to him, grabbing his hands tightly, his face dark red under his foundation. "Do you love me? Because I love you."

The question caught him off guard, stuttering over his words and looking at their hands and anywhere else but the emo's face. "I mean- Well... wow, so blunt. Don't beat around the bush huh? Heh.. Oh!! I, uhm.." He finally looks at Virgil, getting lost in his eyes, his pleading eyes. Roman couldn't read all the emotions held behind them but he could see the raging wars taking place inside him, see the turmoil and everything. Without much thought, he quickly leans down and connected their lips.

Virgil flinches at the suddenness of the kiss but slowly kisses back, his hand going to tightly hold onto the princes' shoulder as his eyes shut. Everything was so perfect. The way their lips fit together, how Roman held him in his arms, the taste of his lips. Cherry or strawberry he couldn't tell.

After a moment he smacks his chest and pulls away, covering his mouth with his hand as he grabs his jacket, quickly pulling it on. "No, no. Don't do that shit." He scolds the confused and hurt prince as he rushes to leave.

"Virgil? W-wait!!" He calls after him, desperate to get him back.

He ignores him, sprinting to his room and shutting the door, locking it behind him. "Okay, good reaction but its not the real Roman. I need to get back. Back to the last one and find out how to stop Insanity. Then, then when I wake up..." Virgil mutters to himself, calming down before shutting his eyes, switching to the other reality. Immediately tossed into chaos.

Help me.  (Roman x Virgil)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz