Raven Drago 2

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*Raven Drago, part two

The man gaped at me like he couldn't believe I existed. He suddenly spoke.

"Bianca? Do you remember me? It's Nico!" He said, hints of a smile overcoming his face.

"Whose Bianca?" I asked my mother. She shrugged, then quizzically shrugged at the man.

He looked at me in a disappointed fashion.

My mom broke the silence.

"Come inside, um, Nico?" She said.

He didn't oblige.

We all stood awkwardly for a long minute.

"Well, I guess you better get going." My mother said.

"Yeah, I'll get my bags." I murmured.

She gestured towards the cupboards, where my stuff was. Nico took one in his hands and lugged them towards the taxi.

"Bye, Mom." I said, a tear escaping my eye.

She only waved as I passed through the door, leaving the place I once knew as home.

"So, who's Bianca?" I asked as I caught up with Nico.

"She was my sister." He said.

I looked him in confusion.

"She died a little before the Clearing. She chose rebirth, so I couldn't talk to her in the Underworld." He explained.

Even though I knew what a demigod was, I still didn't know all that much about them. Like the other kids at school, I only found having a godly parent cool, not serious.

"You can talk to dead people?" I said, amazed at the thought.

He looked at me as if everybody could talk to ghosts.

"Sure. You might be able to do it too. I wouldn't recommend it though." He said.

I looked at him uneasily. His eyes had a sort of madman's glint in them.

He opened the taxi's trunk and stuffed my suitcase in it. I noticed he had a skull ring on his cold, pale finger.

I opened the car door and sat down. The driver had inhumanly grey skin and wispy white hair. Then I realized he wasn't human.

"Bia- child, I would like to introduce you to Jules-Albert. He used to be a race car driver. Don't worry about speeding, though. He's happy to stay in the limit." Nico said dryly.

I shuddered at the thought that this car would be driven by a dead man.

"Is it safe?" I asked," to have a car driven by a... Zombie, I mean."

"Child, spirits take offense to the Z-word." He said.

"I have a name, you know. It's Raven." I said shortly, crossing my arms.

"Okay, Haven." He said.

I stayed quiet. He was baiting me.

"So, are we really going to Camp Half-Blood?" I asked, still unsure if this was all a prank.

"What do you think? You're the daughter of one of the Big Three. And possibly the reincarnation of my sister, Bianca. It's a wonder you haven't been attacked already." He said.

Jules-Albert kept on driving. Me and my mother lived in Brooklyn, so I knew it wouldn't take more than one day to reach Long Island.

Then I decided to look outside. There were multiple shadows on the ground, too large to be crows or pigeons.

I tilted my head up a little.

"Are those Roman Eagles?" I asked.

"Yeah. I asked Reyna if she could lend some for protection. You look like you have no clue how to fight a proper monster." Nico said.

"Oh." I said. I actually thought this Taxi ride would be more exciting.

Most people thought that the Clearing cleared all of the Mist. That wasn't true. It only took away the weaker glamours, like large monsters and stuff like that. It did, however, cover up small monsters, gods and weapons.

So that's why nobody seemed to see the female looking thing with sallow skin. Dressed as a cheerleader, she smiled and waved at me. Then her eyes glowed red, and she attacked the taxi.
Hey guys, hareefaree here! I hope you guys enjoy the second installment of Raven Drago. I kind of plan on a Percy Jackson-like life for her. Mwa hahahaha! It'll probably all be in this book, so hope you enjoy the rest of @PercyJacksonGreek's stuff. She truly is an amazing writer.
I hope you guys have an amazing thanksgiving, or whatever it is you celebrate 'cause I'm having a break right now.
Carpe Diem!
hareefaree out!

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