Ella White @adeck45

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Another Happy Ending! I will try to make as many happy endings as I can. You will get a happy ending if the person you chose is not in a relationship! Nico and Leo can be with anybody!

Ella's POV

Hi, I am Ella White and I am 17 years old.

I go to Goode High.

I love one of my Best Friends, Jake Mason.

He is so nice, but is so handy and can fix anything!

He got hurt, and in is a wheelchair, but is still so sweet!

Today, I am going to ask him out.

God(s), I hope he says yes.

We are in our last class, Wood Shop, and it is free time.

I spend my time carving on a piece of wood "Ella+Jake" and before I know it class is over.

I walk up to Jake, and he says "Ella, can I ask you something?"

I say "Okay"

He says "Ella, will you go out with me?" And pulls out a little wood locket that says "I❤️U".

"Yes, of course!" I say.

Jake asked me out, yay!


I have a list of people to make little stories of, I will try to update often.

I have decided it is okay if you do separate little comments, but I will answer first to the ones that are written correctly.

Next is @Blue_Snowcone1938!

KK, bye!

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