Full Story! Part 1

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So I was looking through my messages and I saw one person, CalypsoValdez11 had given me and idea for a story way back October last year. I loved the idea but I never got to follow up on it. I know this is late and my writing skills have changed but I would love it if I could just finish this. By  the way this is more of a story story.

I always knew I was different. From the way I would stare at the sky for hours on end to the way I would never be scared of thunder. I knew all kids wanted to believe that they were different but I believed so hard that I was in my own world most of the time. I guess being in my own world was my safe place though. My mother was constantly drinking after being kicked off her wannabe Kardashian TV show for being disruptive. I always wondered where the money for the liquor came from, but all my questions were all answered that one day.
I had just turned 16 the day before. As always my mother was drinking a beer while watching Ellen on the tv. I was heading out to by some groceries with the money from my job when it hit me. Literally. As I was crossing the street I saw a bit of movement from an alley. I went to explore but then a body slammed into mine, pushing me further into the alley. The sight I saw there terrified me. A giant monster was so close to me I could touch it. I reacted as soon as I saw it and kneed it in the balls. Or, at least, where it's balls should have been. Instead it grabbed me by the leg and dangled me from the air. Suddenly I saw a ball of fire heading straight towards me, but it hit the hand holding me instead. I hit the floor 10 feet below me as I saw a Hispanic boy's face looming above mine."Oh shit" I heard, and I knew that this wasn't a normal kid. His eyes were too real and his clothes were too tattered and his face was too beautiful. The last thing I heard before I passed out was my favorite word. "Well fuck."

That brings me to now. While I have been waiting in this sickly white room I have been thinking and eavesdropping and from that I have deduced  one coherent thought. That is that I need to escape as fast as I can. As soon as I try to jump up I feel dizzy but I balance myself and head to the door. Right as I open it is see the boy holding a tray filled with food blocking the entrance. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks with a playful grin on his face. "If your going to leave at least eat first!" I still tried to make a run for it but I found myself turning around and walking towards the bed, hearing a faint "thanks pipes" in the background. As soon as I sat on the bed I snapped out of it, but I found myself looking at the boy again. "I'm Leo, camp hunk. Well, more 3rd rate choice but let's not get into the technicalities. Now, your here because a certain God decided to break his oath and wait until 16 to claim his kid!" His voice raised near the end and his head tilted towards the sky. "Gods?" I said with a confused voice. "Okay, quick story. Greek gods are real. Your the kid of Zeus, and a mortal so your a demigod. Must I just say, though I did admire your tactic of kicking everything where the nuts are, with your power you will one day be able to destroy monsters with a single thought and optional finger snapping. Oh yeah, you'll be fighting monsters for the rest of your life, Happy Ending!" He quickly says. "Need a second to process?" "Yeah, th-" I respond "Ding! Times up, Miss..." "Ally Monroe" I answer "Ally Monroe! Time for you to meet the people that will decide whether camp will be a living Tartarus or the Isles of the Blessed for you, otherwise known as my best friends!"

Well that was fun! This is the end of part one! Please comment spelling errors as I typed this very fast on my phone. Again, thank you CalypsoValdez11 for thinking of this story and sending this idea to me. I might now update frequently but I think this will be an ongoing story. Also check out Alohomora11 's story Bixbite for all those Steven Universe fans out there. Have a great time reading and please vote, comment, add to reading lists and follow if you really love these stories! Bye!

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