Raven Tropic @Team_Caleo_Percabeth

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Raven's POV


My name is Raven Tropic!

I am 16 and I go to Goode High!

Today my music class got a new student.

His name is Will Solace!

He is really cute!

I was appointed to guide him around the school and realized he wasn't that sort of hottie that was really mean, he was so sweet!

We both like the same things, such as archery, music and poetry.(She is a mortal, no demigod)

He is really nice, he helped me in archery!

And music.

*sigh* and poetry.

The teachers in those classes are terrible, I learned more from Will in 45 minutes than an entire year with those teachers.

Every time we touched, I swear I felt sparks.

Will and I spent the entire say talking, even in classes!(#rebel)

At the end of the day, Will asked me out!

I said yes!

Could today get any better?


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