Chapter 5: The Pills

Beginne am Anfang

Michaels still trying spells to find Anne's corpse and failing. Jolene is still secretly calling Rose, Annalise and listening in on everyone's conversations. Rosie is still fucking Alex unprotectedly. Amelia still wants to get at Kris's dick but Kris isn't getting it. Vydia is still a crying and a sobbing mess, it makes me wonder if she knows how dramatic she's being. I mean if Michael can go about she can too.

Viktor is still hating himself for having done anything with Nevana. Alice and Judah are still fucking. Oh and Jessa is slowly growing a crush on Koda.

Going to Lana's room, I watched her stand there holding Heath and staring out the window, her eyes glued to someone.

I walked over to the window and when Ben's foot steps came, she stood and went to put Heath down.

Looking out the window, I watched Valdus cutting the logs, he was shirtless, showing off every flexed muscle and looking great as he did it. He chopped the logs and I wondered how Anne was such an idiot. She could've fucked him and she didn't. 

Michaels got nothing on Valdus.

Jameson's POV:

Lifting the pills, I grinned and watched Sabrina give me a small look over, "Shut up and help me." She said grabbing the pills and spilling them into the pot of sauce.

She began mixing it in and masking the taste with garlic and peppers.

"Grab me the rosemary." She said pointing to the top shelf.

I reached up and grabbed it, handing it to her and watching her check me out before taking the bottle.

She used to piss me off, but recently she's been a lot less annoying than she used to be.

As she added the rosemary, she mixed for a bit longer until she broke into a smile, "We'll be having a lot of fun tonight. Make sure everyone enjoys some. Everyone. Except the kids. That ones for the kids." She said gesturing to the meatballs and veggies sprinkled with some sleeping medicine.

When Sabrina came over asking if I knew of any drugs that could make everyone feel really good and happy, I thought she meant just for herself. Then she began telling me she was in charge of making tonight's dinner.

As soon as the pasta sauce was ready, she had me strain the pasta before she began making the twenty different "Vodka" infused pasta. She said we'd emphasize its not for the children.

I was down for a bit of mischief and fun, always.

After handing out all the dinners, we stayed silent and waited eating our bowls of pasta and letting the trip hit us.

Slowly, my body began warming up, my heart racing and my smile growing.

Laughter was coming out of houses and I watched Sabrina look to me and grin, "About time they lighten up." She said softly.

About time.

Vydia's POV:

Bringing another fork full to my mouth, I ate it trying not to laugh too hard.

The guys all began eating with their hands and I watched Mom laugh as she took the pasta out eating them one at a time.

Whatever was in that pasta, it made us feel really good.

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