He then changed course and took off toward Mars. Or at least one of it's moon's. It would at least be a 4 your trip without a Slipspace drive and the engines at full burn.

He had been flying silently with nothing but his thoughts and the cool feeling in the back of his neck that told him Quasar was there. His gem pulsed subtly under his armor.

"So, this is where your going." Said a voice form behind him. In an instant he grabbed his energy sword off his belt and ignited it. The green plasma blades erupted to just in corny of the person's neck.

It took him a moment to realize who it was. When he did he deactivated the sword and put it back on his belt.

Pearl was startled when the energy sword nearly pierced her neck. But thankfully he didn't stab her. Will simply stated at her for a few moments before he put the sword away. She then sighed and sat down in the chair next to him.

"Why are you here." He asked lowly.

Pealr turned to him with a downtrodden look on her face. "I could tell no one wanted me around at the moment. The only one who did was Steven. Garnet didn't care. Amythest is still mad and Lapis has unconcealed murderous intent." She told him.

"Can you blame them." Quasar said with a snarky tone from Will's helmet.

Pearl looked even more sad. "No, no I can't. I know what I did was wrong. But..it was just so hard."

Will kept his eyes out the window. He expertly kept the Pelican on it's descent route to the red planet. "Beating yourslef up isn't going to help." He replied monotonously.

Pearl turned to him. "I know that. But it's difficult to give up something...someone that you've loved for over 5,000 years." She admitted.

Will and Quasar knew of Pearl's infatuation with Rose. It was plain as day to see when they first got here.

"You have no one but yourslef to blame. You did nothing for eons. You literally had thousands of years and you couldn't admit it. So it's your own fault for being like this!" Quasar told her.

Pearl closed her eyes. "I know." She said lowly. She rested her head against the controls of the Pelican.

"I had several human lifetimes to feel her. But I was to much of a coward. Then in my blind want to have her back I let the most important person to me nearly die."

This surprised the Spartan a bit. He honestly wasn't expecting her to admit it.

"Did you apologize to Steven." He asked in his monotonous tone.

"Several times. But he didn't care that I messed up. He was concerned with my own wellbeing before his own." She said with a sad smile.

Will kinda expected this. "That kid's to nice for his own good. One day it's gonna get him into a situation we can't save him from."

Pearl brought her head up and looked down to the red soil underneath them. "If I slept. That would fill my every nightmare." She confessed.

Will brought down the Pelican to a smooth landing. "Last thing I need is something else to have nightmares about." He told the pale gem. He walked down the short status to the armory and walked out through the troop bay. Pearl got up and followed behind him.

"I sometimes wish he was born fully human. Then we wouldn't have to worry about Steven putting himself in danger, just to help us." Will said.

Pearl on a normal day would argue against this. But now, she almost agreed. Why did he have to out everyone else's safety before his own. He's even more stubborn than Rose and Greg. But more kind than both combined.

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