"Hm, sure." Cassie winked teasingly.

The girls took one of the tables at the back that could seat three, preparing themselves for 90 minutes straight of potions.

"So you like Alfie?" Cassie inquired innocently.

"He's cute." Hannah shrugged. "So is James, though I'm guessing you've noticed?"

Hannah elbowed her friend suggestively, causing her to shake her head fondly.

"I bet you want to get in Alfie's pants!"

"Cassie!" Layla was glancing between her two friends, horrified.

James and Alfie had sunk into the seats in front of the girls, unknowing of the fact that the girls had just been talking about them. All three females burst into fits of giggles and shushed each other.

"What's so funny?" James turned around in his seat to stare at the girls. The continued giggling.

"Cassie thinks you're good looking, but personally I prefer Alfie." Hannah offered, causing a squeak of embarrassment from Layla and a barking laugh from Cassie. Alfie was slowly going pink at the ears.

"I was wrong about you Malfoy, you have fantastic taste!" James winked at her.

"We all know Cass has good taste." Layla giggles as she has a playful poke at Hannah. "Better than Han that is."

Hannah shrieked in outrage and rose a hand to her heart. Cassie high-fived Layla whilst cackling. Alfie hadn't turned around in his seat until now.

"Well if it's between James and I, I'm sure we all know the correct choice." Hannah and Cassie both nodded and spoke at the same time.

"Alfie." Their choice was unanimous and caused James jaw to drop open.

"Hey! I take back what I said! You have horrible taste." Cassie waved her hand uncaringly at James.

"No, no. You are good looking, but you're a one night stands kind of guy. Alfie's the boy you bring home to meet your parents." The other two girls nod their acquiescence as if what Cassie had said was the most true statement ever spoken. Alfie frowned in confusion.

"Uh, thank you?" He was unsure whether the girls were complimenting him or insulting him. Hannah shrugged.

"I think you are an everything kinda guy, Alfie." She winked, attempting to flirt with him. Alfie reddened and opened his mouth to respond.

"Alright class, attention please!" The potions professor began lecturing after a clap of his hands for attention. His lecture wouldn't stop for another half hour and by then everyone would be rushing around grabbing ingredients and brewing their potions.

After double potions and charms for the Slytherins it was finally lunch time. Hannah was shoving past students in the hall, attempting to make it to lunch quicker. She'd decided that four waffles and ten pieces of bacon was only enough to hold her for a single hour not three. Layla and Cassie drifted a ways behind their brisk friend, calmly.

"Are you sitting with us?" Layla wondered pleasantly.

"No, but I will at dinner. Promise." Cassie responded with a smile.

"That's fine." Layla meant it, she wasn't the sort to get upset that her friend had other plans. Layla wasn't the sort to get upset in general. Her friends often joked that she was Switzerland with a little white flag flying all the time.

The Great Hall was bustling as students ran to seats and served themselves food. Hannah was already seated at the Slytherin table shoveling food into her mouth with one hand and dishing herself more food with the other. She hardly noticed when Layla took the seat beside her and Cassie walked over to the Gryffindor table instead.

"Hello." Cassie greeted the three pranksters gently, eyeing James for permission to sit.

"Hey, take a seat. We were just talking about the prank and you should definitely be in this." She scooched in beside Fred and across from the other two and smiled kindly at James. The other two were viewing him with surprise.

"Excellent, what exactly were we talking about?" Fred went to inform her, but James bewildered them all by answering pleasantly.

"Just reviewing the spell technique and wondering when would be a good day. Fred thought Saturday." Cassie thought for a moment before shaking her head.

"No, Saturdays no good. I've got Quidditch try outs the next day and I don't want those messed with. Let's do it Thursday night?" Her suggestion was agreed to by all three boys, James' was a hesitant.

"We should practice the spell work before then though, we don't want to mess it up and Alfie won't be coming with us…" Fred glanced at the other three.

"I think we have a free period at 2:00 tomorrow?" Cassie had heard Slytherin and Gryffindor had a study block at the same time on Tuesdays.

"I don't, mines today and thursdays." Fred groaned.

"What period on thursdays?" Cassie wanted to know.

"Forth." Fred responded.

"Right after lunch?" Cassie looked excited, when Fred nodded confirmation, Cassie continued. "Perfect me too, we can go over it together, just us then?" James face was pulling into a small pout, but he agreed to the plan nonetheless.

Sounds perfect." All four were very happy with their planning and were fairly positive nothing could go wrong. All through the rest of the day they grinned widely. Even when Peeves threw balloons filled with paint, successfully soaking the four in a colorful mess, all they did was roar in laughter and compliment Peeves brilliant prank.

Peeves flew around humming a sickly happy tune all day, splashing students in bright colors. Thursday night couldn't come fast enough.

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