DareDevil vs DareDevil 2099

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DD(DareDevil)was ontop of a building when suddenly DD2099(DareDevil 2099)from behind hit him.DD,who dodged it hits DD2099 in the chest and stomach with his baton(IDK WHAT IT IS) reapidly when DD2099 catches throwing him in the side and kicking him in the head.DD gets up and tries to attack again but misses this time and DD2099 jumps punching DD In the face so hard it lunges him to another building.DD slams on the building and gets up.DD2099 jumps to DD and kicks him in the chest.DD lunges back but runs back at DD2099 hitting him in the face.DD2099,who catched it,pulls DD punches him in the face.DD kicks DD2099 in the back of his head.DD2099 goes forward but this time gets punch in the face by DD.DD2099 knees DD in the stomach and kicks him back running at him pulling out his guns and shooting DD in the shoulder pushing him off the building shooting DD in the stomach before kicking DD through a car.DD2099 stomps DD's chest and shoots his head five times.

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