Ghost Rider vs Ghost Rider 2099

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GR(Ghost Rider) was riding in the city when suddenly a portal opens infront of him.GR2099(Ghost Rider 2099) goes out of the portal and chain whips GR in the face.GR falls off his bike but gets up quickly shooting GR2099.GR2099 blocks with his arms and jumps punching GR in the face and in the the stomach lunging him up.GR surrounds his chain at GR2099 neck.GR2099 grabs the chain and spins GR around,round and round until he pulls it off smashing GR side by side reapidly.GR2099 throws GR to a wall and grabbing his gun shoting GR in the chest,stomach and shoulders reapidly.GR2099 runs at GR and tries to punch him but misses when GR dodged and uppercutted GR2099.GR2099,who catched the uppercut,lifts GR up and punches him in the stomach reapidly through the wall and grabs his gun putting it on GR's head shooting him to death.GR2099 pulls out his chain and hangs GR on a building.

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