Embry rolled his eyes. "What's a wedding without family drama."

Emilia laughed as they took their seats, the speeches beginning. Emmett went first, hitting the mic.

"Excuse me, is this on? Um hello" He smiled and held up his glass after someone wolf whistled. "I'd like to propose a toast to my new sister. Bella, I hope you've gotten enough sleep the last eighteen years, because you won't be getting anymore"

Emmett was met with awkward silence, Emilia and Embry snickering at the sexual joke that also referred to her son becoming a vampire.

"Well Bella was just like everyone else, completely mesmerized by Edward, or the hair as I call him." Jessica began.

Emilia took a swing of her champagne. This would be good.

"And then suddenly, Edward is all about Bella. Even though she's not captain of the volleyball team. I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. Or the president of the student council."

"Edward will make a good husband. I know this because I'm a cop, I know things. Like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the Earth. And I know how to use a gun" Everyone laughed as the threat behind Charlie's words.

"Now that Bella is my sister, you'll have to get over your aversion to fashion. Skirts, heels, handbags."

Bella's mom went up and began to sing a song she used to sing to Bella when she was little, Bella and Edward laughing quietly. Embry hid his smile in Emilia's hair, his shoulders shaking as he tried not to laugh.

"I'd like to thank Renee and Charlie for bringing such a wonderful person to the world and to our lives. We will cherish and protect her forever." Esme said before Emilia went up, her Maid of Honor speech up next.

"Edward was the reason I was adopted. He loved me enough to convince Carlisle and Esme to adopt me." Emilia started her speech. "He was my big brother, my protector and he still is to this day. When he first met Bella, I knew everything would change. I knew because Edward had never been the way he was when he was with Bella. He fell completely and utterly in love with her and I loved her as well, for making my brother that happy. Bella, you have been the best thing that has happened to him and I will never be able to thank you enough for changing him for the better. You have been just what he needed, what we needed to complete the family. He is lucky to have you and I can only hope that my love with Embry will be as strong and unbreakable as yours and Edward. I love both of you and wish you a long and happy marriage."

The crowd applauded as Emilia took her seat again, Edward looking at her and mouthing thank you.

'No problem' she thought as he went up, a smile forming on his lips. "It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who will love and accept you for who you are. I've been waiting for what seems like a very long time to get beyond what I am and with Bella, I feel like I can finally begin. So, I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough, but let's start with forver."

Everybody clinked glasses as the music started up again, everybody standing to dance.

Embry downed the remains of his champagne and stood, offering Emilia his hand. "Dance with me?"

She laughed and took it, him pulling her to the floor. There they began to waltz, Embry spinning Emilia and dipping her as she laughed.

Rosalie and Emmett and Alice and Jasper were also dancing, showing off on the dance floor. As Jasper flipped Alice, Embry laughed.

"And here I thought we were good."

"We are, in our own way." Emilia said before pressing her lips to his. They continued to sway to the music before Embry pulled away.

"We better go, Jake just got here."

"Jake?" Emilia said following behind Embry as they hid behind the side of the house with Seth arriving soon after.

Emilia watched as Jake and Bella hugged and danced, Edward leaving to dance with Rosalie.

Whatever they were talking about made Bella emotional and then made Jake snap, grasping her arm tightly and beginning to shout. Seth ran out first, grabbing Jake and trying to restrain him but failing.

Then went Embry and Quil, coming from the forest. They grabbed Jacob, holding him back to the best of their ability. He wrestled out of their grip just as Sam came out, yelling at Jacob.

"Enough, Jacob!" Jacob straightened up, stiffening

"He'll kill her!"

"It's not our concern anymore." Jacob let out a deep breath and ran into the woods with Quil hot on his heels, purposely bumping into Sam's shoulder.

Edward, who had ran back out, held Bella close to his chest as Sam called for Seth and Embry. Seth apologized before running out.

Embry quickly kissed Emilia before leaving as well.

Bella began to apologize to Edward, calling herself stupid.

"You're not stupid." Emilia spoke up, Bella looking at her. "Jacob is."

"Come on Bells, we have to get you ready to leave."

The girls left and went up to Alice's room, Emilia helping Bella change into the short creme dress with a black belt. She let Bella's hair down and then motioned for her to go.

They hugged. "Have a good honeymoon."

"I'll try. Check on Jake for me?"


They pulled apart, Bella running to join Edward, Emilia watching from inside the room, changing into leggings and a tshirt.

She got into her car and drove to Embry's. Leave it to Jacob to ruin a wedding.

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