Chapter 35: Sinister Six

Start from the beginning

Kazukei agreed, adding, "She's right. We'll be doing a few operations soon, some pretty big ones. There's going to be a lot of fighting involved, and if she's not used to using her quirk, she might end up just slowing us down."

"Then allow me to spar her first. Right now, I am weak also. It would be good training for both of us, as we are both weak." Haru requested, to which Kaiyo accepted.

Kazukei grinned in delight and stood to the side with Kyogane. "What's stronger? The force of bones, or the force of light? This shall be a thrilling battle!"

Haru stood several meters from Kaiyo, and started bending light from a few light sources in the warehouse, bringing them towards him and forming a whip of light.

"I'll go easy on you at first, my fair lady. Then as you get more comfortable, I'll get more serious. You can make the first move."

She breathed in shakily and closed her eyes briefly, her bones slowly growing, Haru eyeing her every move curiously. Suddenly, a hand shot from her ribcage and attempted to grab Haru's whip.

He jumped back, surprised by her sudden move as the hand retracted. He went in on the offensive and pulled back to whip her. She reacted by creating a huge white bubble around her to block the attack.

As soon as the whip connected to her bubble, it snapped around his arm like a bear trap, to which he cried out in pain. She picked him up and threw him across the room with ease, not even moving her body once in the whole battle.

Kazukei and Kyogane applauded her efforts, to which she blushed in return. Haru got up and applauded her as well, before rubbing her arm.

"You caught me off guard... Beginner's luck. Let's bring it up a notch, shall we?" He suggested.

"Please do, that was really boring..."

He was a little offended and hurt by her comment, and turned the whip into a war hammer. He charged at her and swung the hammer at her.

She formed a relatively small shield to block the attack, which the hammer just about broke through and grazed past her. The shards of bone lay on the floor, motionless.

She tried to absorb them back, but they wouldn't move. Kazukei halted the battle for a moment.

"Fascinating. So you can't reuse broken bones. See, that's a really good discovery. It definitely wouldn't have been good if we discovered that during a battle.

Alright, you're going to need to train your discernment skills. When fighting an opponent, determine whether you should be making large bone structures or small bone structures.

It's a high risk, high reward scenario. If you use a large number of small attacks, the loss is minimal but so is the damage. If you use large scale attacks, the damage is presumably incredible, but has a high risk of losing a large proportion of your ammunition."

She thought for a moment. "So, for Haru I should..."

She shot out a thin bone towards him, which then suddenly spread out and enveloped his entire body, encasing him in thick bone.

She allowed a gap for his limbs and head to poke out. She then shot out another bone which then encased his war hammer, surrounding it in darkness, making it essentially useless as he couldn't manipulate it further.

"You've completely and utterly bested me... I would actually be very interested in sparring with you again tomorrow during the day! Now... Could you please release me?" Haru asked.

Kazukei commented, "This is kinda kinky, you should keep him like that! You can do whatever you want to him, ya know!"

"You pervert..." She immediately released Haru from his bone prison.

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