"Did I ever tell you guys about the time I had to spend alone?" Quil piped up. As everybody muttered variations of 'no', Quil smiled sheepishly.

"Okay so I was a bit bitter that I was left behind out of whatever cult I thought you guys were in so I started a bit of a rumor."

"What rumor?" Jared's eyebrows furrowed. "There are multiple."



"I said that you guys were all in a gay love square and Sam was helping you guys admit your love for each other." Quil confessed, the pack's eyes becoming wide.

"What?" Paul growled.

"Kim thought that rumor was true!" Jared exclaimed, standing up.

"Quil, what the fuck?!" Embry stood up as well, careful to make sure Emilia would not fall.

"I'm not surprised it was you." Jacob shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee.

"I'd believe it." Emilia admitted, also shrugging.

Emily began laughing hysterically as Sam groaned, face palming.

"I'm sorry! I was mad!"

"So you said that we were all gay?" Paul hissed, making Quil jump.

"I regret it now. The school thinks I'm a part of it, remember?"

"That doesn't change anything!" Embry yelled.

"I'm sorry okay! In conclusion, I am an idiot and can never be alone again."

"Yeah, you're telling me." Jared said, taking a pancake and angrily eating it.

"What did we just walk into?" Leah wondered from the doorway, shaking her head.

"You have no idea." Emilia answered, amusedly.


It was time for Emilia and Seth to go, Embry and Jared accompanying them up.

Seth carried Emilia up, Embry leading them up and Jared flanking them from behind to make sure the wolf scent completely overcame Emilia's.

"I can't say goodbye to you." Embry mumbled as they made it up, the other two wolves beginning to set up camp.

"It's only for tonight. Tomorrow night I'll be back with you."

The couple hugged, Embry's arms pulling her as close as possible.

"You're right. This will all be over tomorrow. You'll be safe tomorrow. Everything will be fine."

"Do you truly believe that?"

"Yes. If you do, I do."

A howl rang out, the signal for Embry and Jared to get back. Embry sighed and made sure that Emilia was properly dressed for the long, cold night.

"Take care of my girl, Seth. I'll kill you if you don't."

Seth smiled, nodding and throwing an arm around Emilia. "Sir yes sir"

Embry kissed Emilia's head. "I love you."

"I love you too."

With that, Embry and Jared phased, running off.

"Well, it's just you and me now!" Seth announced, heading to the tent and ushering Emilia in. He gave her a mini tour, showing her the projector he had set up with movies to watch until they got tired. He also brought snacks, two giant sleeping bags and plenty of blankets and pillows. Emilia laughed. They really were set for the night.

As the snowstorm began, Seth and Emilia watched Beauty and The Beast, her cuddling as close to Seth as possible for warmth. Even with all the clothes and blankets, she was freezing and wished Embry could have stayed with them.

Seth did his best to distract Emilia, offering her snacks and jokes throughout the evening.

Emilia slowly fell asleep as she listened to Seth's heartbeat.

She could only pray that everything would go to plan the next day.

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