Coincidence Or Fate.

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I looked up and my heart dropped to the floor.
She was beautiful point-blank.
I normally don't let shorties catch me off guard with my feelings and I don't wanna sound over drammatic and say this is some love at first sight typ'a shit.
But she just had this thing about her,I mean- I don't even know her, but her eyes and the way her curls fall effortlessly around her face just had a nigga wanting to take a second look.
She's not the type I normally go for-but considering that I'm still single, maybe I've been "hanging" with the wrong crowd.

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when the girl I assume Is her friend, started shouting at me - I just don't get why the hell she's so loud, she's not even the one I bumped into.

"So you just gonna stand there and not even apologies"
"Guys are such idiots I swear"
I was gonna apologise to the girl I just bumped into .
But before I could, her overhyped friend pulled her hand and led them out of pizza hut.


"okay Cammy.. Calm down, I didn't get hurt or nothing so it's a not a big deal"

"I know Vee but he could've atleast apologized, I just hate it when guys treat women like their nothing.
If he wasn't so fine I would've smacked his ass foreal"

Now that Cammy mentioned it, the guy who bumped into me was pretty fine.
I know I'm still getting over a breakup but I'm not blind either.
I wasn't even mad at him cos his phone fell and it probably cracked.

"Mhm, he was okay besfren"
I played it off.

"He was more then okay Vee, anyway what do u think of this dress?"

We were currently in forever 21 looking for outfits for the club opening party.

"it's cute.. lemme go try it on real quick"

I came out of the dressing room when Cammy started snapping me, and as usual she was bieng drammatic.
But that's just her and I love her just like that.

"oooh look at my besfren ya'll she out hear breaking hearts,looking like a whole model.
Whoever is smart enough to lose her must have some big brains on him okkkrrr. "

She knew Tremaine would see this video-so yeah she was bieng petty on purpose,but hey I ain't mad at her at all.
So I played along and flared my dress a lil while sticking my tongue out.
I'm not usually petty like this, but doing it every once in a while doesn't hurt anybody.

"Posted... So your getting the dress right?"

"Yeah, I like it and I think it brings out a good vibe in me so it's coming home with us"

We scoured for about 30 more minutes looking for shoes and Cammerines outfit. Then we went to get some food before heading back to the hostel.

17p.m-We got to the hostel and I headed straight for the shower cos we needed to start getting ready for the party, although we were gonna be fashionably late though.
I let the hot water hit my skin when my mind started to wonder off and my dad came into thought.

I hadn't called my mama today to ask how he was doing so I would make sure to do that as soon as I'm done.
A mixture of water and tears silently slid down my face and I said a silent prayer to God to please help him get through this.

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