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JOSETTE PARKER HAD NEVER IN HER LIFE BETRAYED HER FATHER BEFORE. Jo liked to think she had a good relationship with her father. She would be lying if she said she wasn't her father's favourite and she knew that. He loved her, of course, but more than that he respected her. It was almost like he saw a glimpse of himself in her. The thought made her sick to her stomach.

Perhaps if her other siblings hadn't had their lives tragically cut short by one Malachai Parker, one of them would have grown to be his favourite but she'd never know thanks to her brother. Her brother. There's another thought that made her sick. In all honesty she used to love Kai, she used to love him very much. He used to be a good brother, a good person more than anything. She couldn't even remember when things changed. It was almost like shift happened overnight. He became distant, reserved, moody. Then one day there was a sudden lightness to him. He would laugh at jokes that weren't especially funny and, even worse, make his own knowingly unfunny jokes. He'd spend all of his classes staring at walls or out of windows with the hint of a smirk on his face. The usual bullies- the ones Jo knew would take Kai behind the bike shed and beat the shit out of him but also the popular boys that she didn't know how to stand up against considering they just about liked her - wouldn't be able to get a reaction out of him, instead he'd smile his usual blank, soulless smile. Jo figured it was around that time that Kai planned his killing spree.

She could only vaguely remember the Kai that existed before then. She wouldn't say it aloud but she missed him. They used to be close; watching movies together, sharing music taste, they even had matching backpacks in kindergarten. If that Kai was in the prison world she'd do everything she could to get him out.

But he wasn't.

Instead the man that maimed and murdered all of her immediate family was in there and it was for that reason she couldn't let him out. Which is why she was now crouched on the floor of Joshua's office, flashlight in hand as she shuffled through all of his possessions looking for something that might give her some indication of his secret portal to the 1994 prison world. According to the Mystic Falls gang, if they could find this portal they could let Camila know and get her out, leaving Kai behind, close the portal and then finally she could rest assured that no one was meddling with the prison world and giving her brother any opportunity to get out. She didn't know if she could see the face that looked so much like her beloved twin brother but acted so unlike him again.

Riffling through the final cabinet beside her father's desk, she was about to give up when she noted an unfamiliar object clearly supposed to be hidden under wads of paper. The book was a striking red leather which a deep black symbol etched onto the front. A symbol she recognised well - that of the Gemini coven. She held her flashlight to the pages as she flicked through. It was a grimoire. But this was unlike any Gemini grimoire she'd seen before. In fact, though her memory of magic wasn't so vivid, she was sure she hadn't seen any of these spells before.

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄. ( 𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 )Where stories live. Discover now