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CAMILA HAD NEVER BEEN AS DETERMINED AS SHE HAD THUS FAR. She sat with her feet kicked up on Kai's lap as she stretched herself out along the full length of the plush couch, newspaper in hand and pencil behind her ear. Kai was squished into one corner of the couch, a book in hand that he rested over Camila's ankles, only slightly agitated by how she would kick her feet together every time she figured a word out and make his book shake.

"I need a 4 letter word for an emotion-"


"An emotion that-"


"An emoti-"

"Lust..." She finally lowers the newspaper, meeting Kai's teasing gaze. She jolts her foot to the side, lightly kicking at his abdomen and he mutters a small 'ow' rubbing at his side in response.

"I don't know if lust is an emotion," she sighed, leaning back against the arm of the couch and clutching the newspaper to her chest with a contemplative gaze. Kai set down his book, clearly ready to give his full attention to making his point.

"Of course it is. One can feel lustful," he says boldly before muttering under his breath "I would know..." which luckily goes unnoticed by Camila.

"I suppose..."

"You can lust after someone. I'm sure you have plenty of experience with that," Kai says, already knowing exactly how far it'll get a rise out of her and so awaits her reaction with a ghost of a smile. Camila sits up, putting the newspaper to a side with an expression of shock, offence and amusement all rolled in to one.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean you've been lusting after me since you got here."

She now sits up completely, swinging her feet off of Kai's lap and to the ground before standing and facing Kai with crossed arms and a defiant posture. "I have not!"

"You most definitely have. You set yourself up for that one by asking me what I meant."

She turns away sheepishly, walking slowly towards the closest shelves of books in order to avoid Kai's gaze. "Well, I just- I thought you meant...Stefan," she mumbles softly, so softly it seems as though Kai may have not heard it. Of course Kai's deep sigh of frustration paired with disgust at the mention of Stefan assures her he's heard it and so she turns back to see him doing his best to resist an eye-roll.

"I can assure you now sweetheart I would never bring him up on my own accord"

"Couldn't think of a new name to give him this time?"

"Who? Stanley?"

"Funnier every time," she notes with heavy sarcasm but the smile she couldn't wipe off of her face seemed to contradict her. Her expression soon falls back into one of forlorn, something Kai was able to note in her with ease now. It would be the same expression every time she thought of her friends. Like a very sad smile that reeked with a tragic sense of the hope she was clinging on to. Kai didn't like to see that expression on her.

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄. ( 𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 )Where stories live. Discover now