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KAI AND CAMILA RESUMED THEIR PORTAL HUNTING THE NEXT DAY. Camila caught sight of the grill, almost shuddering at her memories of her meeting with Joshua.

"Why don't we try the Mystic Grill?" Camila suggested, remembering Joshua's abrupt exit the previous night. "Why not." Upon entering the grill, Camila's eyes are drawn to the dark space Joshua emerged from and then the booth they sat at, half expecting him to still be there with his creepy smile and rusted blade.

"Can your finely tuned magic tell whether this is our portal?" Kai ran his hand along the countertop in search of anything to siphon. "I don't know, it feels different...maybe just because it looks different to the modern Mystic Grill."

"It does?"

"Yeah...maybe I'll take you there when we get back to the real world."

"It's a date." Camila fails to respond when her attention is drawn to the spot she remembered the Gemini coven leader standing in before he disappeared, presumably returning to the real world. "Hey, Kai, come check over here"

Kai sceptically crouched to the floor, hovering his hand near the area Camila was indicating. As he made contact with the surface it was evident that magic was seeping up through the floorboards and being absorbed by Kai. Kai raised his hand after a few moments, 'motus'-ing a glass backwards with his newly acquired magic.

"I think we've just found our portal." Kai waltzed behind the counter returning with a large knife. Camila took a step backwards eyeing him warily. "Seriously, you think this is for you?" Kai scoffed, pointing at the weapon in his hand. "I lack trust."

"I can tell." Camila ignored him, taking the knife from his hand and walking past him with a sarcastic smile. She squatted to the floor, embedding the knife in the crevice between the floorboards. She scraped damaged wood out of the way, continuing to hack at the suspected portal until she hit something solid.

Camila looks back at Kai who is watching intently. He helps her pull back the final parts of the floor, revealing a large, scratched stone practically oozing magic as the rim glows a bright blue and is hot to the touch.

"Well, son of a-"


"-witch. She's a witch without magic."

"Or so you thought. Our good old enemy, Joshua Parker gave her back her magic." Damon corrects Caroline who seemed as confused as she did when the conversation began.

"This doesn't make sense! Why would Joshua take away her magic and then give it back? Something is very fishy." Damon rolls his eyes looking to his brother, who is seated beside the blonde, to side with him though the younger Salvatore is equally as sceptical.

"She's right, Damon. Something isn't adding up here." Just as Damon opens his mouth to counter their argument, Bonnie storms in with her laptop in one hand and Elena trailing behind her.

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄. ( 𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 )Where stories live. Discover now