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[ "I'M WITH YOU" ]


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"CAN YOU STOP FALLING ASLEEP? I KEEP THINKING YOU'RE DEAD." Of every time Kai Parker had made Camila Atkins think her heart was going to fall out of her chest, this time topped the charts.

Camila shuffled quickly away from Kai as she looked at him in amazement. She quickly scanned her surroundings. She was in Damon's car, the blood had been cleaned off of her head, there was now a little hula lady swaying heavily presumably due to Camila ever so slightly losing control over her magic and last but certainly not least, Kai's head was perfectly functioning on top of his neck.

In fact, it was functioning so well that Kai was driving down unfamiliar roads with a surprisingly happy smile tugging at his mouth. "You're the one that should be dead."

"Yeah, that was rude by the way. Hurt me both physically and emotionally." Camila scoffed, sitting up in her seat. "Where are we going?"

"Well thanks to your stubborn friends who just wouldn't let me leave them behind, I dropped the ascendant and it shattered into something like a billion pieces. I can't seem to put it back together so we are just going to find another way out of here."

"No." Kai's smile dropped instantly. His eyes flicked between the road and Camila as she crossed her arms over her chest, sternly, and faced the window to avoid looking at Kai. "What do you mean no?"

"I'm not helping you get out of here. The only reason I ever tolerated you before is because I had to get Bonnie and Damon out. After that stunt you pulled, I don't trust you. Never have, never will."

Kai looked at Camila seriously for a moment before snorting and bursting into a fit of laughter. He braked suddenly causing Camila to hit her already sore head on the headrest behind her.

"What is so funny?"

"You, thinking you have a choice." Kai's laughter stopped almost immediately. He grabbed Camila's hand over the console and pulled her closer to him. She began to wince though did her best to hold in her cries of agony, feeling her magic leave her, scraping at the insides of her body omitting a sense of pain. Kai presses his lips to her ear, he was so close that she could feel his warm breath as he exhaled, making her shuffle away in discomfort.

"I can siphon all of your magic and kill you right now. Or we can do this as I intended and you help me so we can return home in peace." Kai released Camila's hand and she fearfully brings it closer to her body, rubbing at her wrist, but he remained in close proximity which she assumed was his choice method of intimidation.

"What's it gonna be?"


"Do you want food? I'm a pretty talented chef if I do say so myself." It had been less than an hour since Camila agreed to somewhat cooperate with Kai and she started to regret it about 10 minutes in. She knew Kai could be annoying but the boy was even more annoying when no one else was around.

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄. ( 𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu