Start from the beginning

"Why are you so weak to my face? I am not that little child anymore. No wonder you always lose to him..." He did not forget to add, "Old man! Old geezer!"

Another two arrows stabbed through Aroar's heart. This brat, he used to be so cute, clinging to him, running after him and following him everywhere, like a little toddler, asking him all sorts of ridiculous things like " Aroar will Marry me" or "I love Aroar the most" And so on. But now the only words he would spit out were Old man, Old geezer, Freaky old geezer, pathetic old geezer and so on. He really wanted to spank him on his butt. But.....when looking down at his cute little face all the impulse to scold and spank him would disappear within seconds.

"What?" Sensing the old one staring at him he raised his face upwards.

Aroar narrowed his eyes again. Such rosy cheeks...thinking so he stretched out his hand and pinched his left cheek. As expected they were extremely soft and supple. "You..." He said, "You unruly little not so cute brat." The latter frowned at him. Before he could protest he added. "However, its good that you grew up well, Chi!" Thinking of the old days this ill tempered man surprisingly let out a sweet smile.

The boy called Chi stared at him and puffed his cheeks. "Hmph! Since you have smiled after who knows how many depressing days you are forgiven for pinching my cheeks." Somehow he felt happy but at the same time he was also extremely irritated. So he decided to give him a nice call. The smug smile stuck to his face was irritating him. But then again watching Aroar look down at him with sweet and warm eyes, his own fierce gaze softened. This stupid old man, did he not know how silly he looked right now? He was not his son and yet he treated him like one and this point, Chi hated it a lot ever since he was little.

During this same time at the other part of the imperial palace the special envoy was having a tour around the grandeur of the sun empire. Because he felt it was a bit inappropriate for him to request an official to show him around he instead requested for an ordinary attendant, leaving the court officials to continue with whatever they were discussing. As he walked around with the three people behind him he suddenly stopped and looked at the attendant.

"How long have you been working here?"

"For About five years your highness."

Five years...he smiled. "Then, you must know about that incident that happened around some time ago?"

The attendant was a bit confused. He thought for a while and a switch clicked in his mind. "Ah, you mean the  festive knight incident? But it has been quite some time since the incident so the fire had already died away. Now other things have flooded the public's interest, everything about that incident had been forgotten long ago."

Prince Shand raised his eyebrow as if acknowledging him at least for being smart. "When i was travelling to here, i heard the rumour that a young boy with tremendous potential was executed for slandering the nobles, rumours said that he was quite an extraordinary martial artists at such a tender age, was that really true?"

"Aiya, of course. The rumours were true." He was now in a gossping mood. "Let me tell you your highness, i was also present in the crowd that day. That boy, he was very young and looked very weak. However i overheard some officials talking about how the little kid defeated the imperial general, a veteran in the battle field, using the same move twice."

The envoy had a very surprised face. Because the attendant was an ordinary person he did not notice that the expression he made was faked.

The middle aged man continued. "It was such a pity he died so young. He had a really high potential and could have used his skills in defending the kingdom but alas, the nobles did not let him go and executed him in the end, having no mercy on him even after his death." Coming a bit closer to the envoy he whispered. "They didn't even let his near ones collect his body. The poor boy, he did not even have a proper funeral so his body was probably fed to the wild creatures of the Netherland forest. Such a pity."

A sharp glint flashed through the prince's eyes, flashing with an eerie smile, as his lips curved up into a smirk. The elegant and beautiful face now looked menacing. But it stayed only for a split of second. When the attendant looked at him the strange expression was replaced by a warm face. He shook his head in agreement and said. "Truly such a pity."

As for the three people following him they all remained silent sweating intensely a they prayed at the same time. "Please king and queen, hurry and notice the missing prince. Please save us before our prince does something out of line."

With the passing silent night the dawn came upon marking the beginning of a new day. A silent figure looked out of the window. Because his eyesight was extremely good or perhaps he had a hawk's eye he noticed a small group riding on horses, approaching the palace secretly, unnoticed by the palace dwellers. 

His lips curved up into a smile. His eyes flashing mysteriously. that's them? The two love birds of this world.......

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