thirty seven

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"Cassandra?! Oh my god, Dude, I have to perform CPR! I think she drowned!" My ears rang, sudden splashes of water on my feet dragging me away from the calm I was beginning to get comfortable with, Sebastian’s face blocked the view of the clouds, a gasp escaping my throat as he fell to his knees and placed both hands on my chest, aggressively pressing on it without any regards for my ribs, leaning down and aiming to attach his mouth on mine. 

Horror replaced the tranquil in my bloodstream, waking my senses back to reality. I push him off me before our lips could connect, swatting his hands away from my thorax and pushing myself up from the sand, black circles floating around my sight. “What the fuck are you doing!?” I yelled in aggravation, the sand underneath me sticking to wet my thighs.

“I-I thought you drowned! Are you okay?!” He defended, still on his knees. His hair was everywhere, dripping on his face and shoulders as the thin fabric of his wet shirt pressed on the traces of his abs, a lump getting stuck at the back of my throat. 

“Of course I’m not fucking okay! I had to swim all the way here while you guys are fucking killing each other, what makes you think I’m okay!?” I screamed, the veins in my neck tightening. Niall appears in the back, pulling himself out of the water as well, completely soaked from head to toe and striding towards us, the same print of toned stomach showing through his shirt. 

“I just wanted to make sure!”

“Fuck off.” I spat and rolled my eyes, taking off the clutch tucked under my arm and opening it up, water flooding the inside, my phone, the only hope I could get out of here, swimming in it. Of fucking course. I’ve been in the ocean since last night, I would even be more surprised if nothing came inside.

“What happened?!” Niall panted, running towards us and sliding to his ass. If I tell him what Seb tried to do they would fight again, and of course I don’t want that.

“I thought you guys were enjoying punching each other’s faces off so I didn’t bother interrupt.” I feigned a grin, my teeth clenched as I stared directly at their faces, crystals of water trickling down their skin. “Feel free to go back out there and fight if you want!”

“Oh c’mon, Cassandra . .”

“Don’t even fucking start. Just leave me alone.” I muttered, getting back onto my feet and tilting the clutch over to get rid of the water inside, pouring it down the soil.My heart crushes from the sight, I didn’t even know if the phone would still work, let alone be able to make a phone call. At this point, the possibility of that happening was slim to none, and I was terrified. I can’t be stuck here, god forbid with two guys who would fight if they simply breathe on each other’s directions. I could endure the two of them going off every second, but not in here, not in the middle of no where while Bill and Harry and Angel are somewhere out there and the only way I could get back to them is through Stella.

The phone dripped still in my grasp, the bag containing more things than I remember it having. A ruined small journal, a pen, lip balm and keys, none of which I could use to help my situation. I throw the clutch back onto the sand and roam my eyes across the island, the sun breaking through the trees shading the inner part of the woods, winds drying my drenched hair and clothes. Only then did I remember I was still wearing a dress. 

“I wonder how long it will take to cross the woods before we reach a hotel or something? ” Sebastian buzzed, trudging past me and heading quickly into the trees without hesitation, the sudden hit of realization stopping me from following.

Harry’s voice back in the school while we were walking through the stairs played in my head. “I don’t think you even finished the book.” He was wrong. I did finish the book. I finished Sea Sides and White Lies and then threw it out the window because I was relieved it was finally over. In fact, now I recall everything. The beginning, the frustrating middle, the climax, and then the end. This was the climax. Niall and Hannah fought over Sebastian because he was getting aggressively jealous. The two of them were, so then she decided to cut off ties with them even though it broke her heart. That went on for almost a month before she remembered it was his birthday. Kirsten and Andrea tried to reason why coming was a bad idea, concluding they would end up fighting again. Still she came anyway and immediately regretted it when she had flashbacks of the shipwreck when she was a child.

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