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After standing there in front of the driver which had felt like an eternity even though it had only been three seconds, spontaneous repeated knocks alarmed my senses. The driver tilted his head in confusion, the ther passengers inside the bus doing the same as well, their eyes locked onto my figure.

"Is he getting in as well?" The driver asked, pointing at the person behind the glass door.

"N-no, No, he's not." I retorted, afterwards walking further into the seats.

The bus was nearly empty, despite it being friday and everyone from school wants to go home early. There were about nine people inside it that barely even filled one section of the seats. Holding onto the handles as I try to balance my weight when it had began moving again, my eyes caught a glimpse of Bill outside the windows, his face illuminated by the sun and his expression breaking my insides into grief. As the vehicle drove away, his gaze never left me, he just stood there in melancholy, and I did too.

My heart swelled inside my chest as regret began prickling me under my skin. I shouldn't have left him like that. I should've talked to him, and now myself and everyone who saw whatever the hell that was, thinks I'm an asshole. And I am, they're right. But even if I act all alright around Bill, it wouldn't be the same, with the constant assumption that He'll leave once this is all over, it's just not worth pretending for. We needed closure, just like all those unfinished conflicts in the books I've read, but this was real life. I'm not a perfect human being who would accept sorry and forgive me for something that would greatly affect my life.

Even so, that was Bill. He was my only bestfriend, and now he's leaving. The first time we met, I was in a marathon that Angel shoved me into and Bill and I ended up being the slowest runners in the team so they had to kick us out. I didn't even like him at first because he seemed too out of my league and I didn't know how to talk to people. After that everyday I've realized he was one of the people who worked behind the counter in the lunchroom along with his dad. And I never really liked the food being served in the cafeteria, so he decided to make me one instead.

It was a pathetic way to build such a friendship, but I loved it.

As soon I've sighted an empty seat near the wind shield, I sat down and removed my backpack, placing it on top of my thighs, hugging it against ny stomach. I leaned my back against the seat, my head facing the brightness outside. It seemed incredible to go for a walk around the sidewalk with the wind blowing on your hair, but unfortunately I can't do anything at the moment. I just ran away from my bestfriend who wanted to explain himself, I just failed my math exams, and now I'm seated in a bus even though Angel's apartment is just two blocks away from school.

What am I even doing to myself? Or more accurately, what the hell have I just done? I've possibly ruined the only friendship I had made for the rest of the three years that I've studied in L.A high. I'm a goddamn mess. I would might as well consult Angel for a mental check up, because I've been trying so hard lately to not disappoint my parents. I used to be really happy when I first moved into Cali three years ago. I had to learn so many things, I had to adjust to the language barrier and use up everything I learned in the Philippines as a kid, I had a goal of not fucking up. Now that's all I ever do.

My parents used to be so proud of me. They still are, when I managed to adapt to my new surroundings so quickly, but that's just because Angel had to literally force me to go out. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have met Bill, and If it wasn't for her, I would've also been homeless.

I took my phone out of my backpack, sliding the screen and clicking Angel's icon inside the messaging app.

Hey, Angel, I'm coming home late, save me some dinner If you'd like. Love ya.

Angel Eyed (DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)Where stories live. Discover now