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My jaw clenched, my fists balling against the stiff fabric of my jeans, my eyes stinging as I burned a hole through her face. This is it. This draws the line. I've had enough. I'm not necessarily the violent type, and even before I got sent to L.A my parents have been teaching me to control my anger, nevertheless, right then and there I forget about that. Why wouldn't I? First I watch my best friend leave me forever, then I get put here without my knowledge, then I get beaten up, and now this?! When is it going to end?

I snatch the clear glass from Stella's grip, the straw getting caught by her mouth as the vodka spilled all over her dress, her eyes widening in terror and before I know it, my hand flew in the air. As soon as the glass was about to collide with her shiny forehead, my grasp was emptied, replaced by nothing but the sticky sweat accumulating from my palm and I stumble forward, my arm hitting the nothingness of air. I frowned at the sudden absence of her chair, disorientation floating around my head.

She was gone. No, not only Stella, everything is; Chester, the bartender, the counter top, the ice cream that I didn't even finish. It was like it has never been there in the first place. I gasped, my vision suddenly spinning as I looked around my surroundings. The whole place was gone. And there I stood finally on frigid cement, my feet remaining bare against the gray ground. I ran my fingers through the tangled strands gathering on top of my head, checking twice if my glasses have been mistaken; but they weren't. I tilted my head upwards, my eyes greeted by the blinding light radiating from the cloudless blue sky, my hand hastily shading my face for protection. The sun prickled through the exposed parts of my skin, my neck sweating from the scarcity of the wind, and only then did I see the odd amount of cars passing by right where I stood.

In front of me was the familiar sight of LAHS, the chatter of students walking across the sidewalk loosened the knot in my chest as they enter the gates; some of them I have familiarized with. The stocky guy from my physics class with the white shirt and the red backpack, my history professor Mrs. Gaunt who cried once while talking about the Holocaust, and the distinct view of Mr. Styles hugging a bunch of papers against his torso with one hand, his brown curls caught in between his fingers while he ruffled through them, his brown leather bag dangling onto his waist. He strided through the gates, a few students here and there audibly swooning in bunches, covering their ear-reaching grins behind their lacquered nails and he would flash them a smile, accompanied by a cute wave.

I was back. Finally I was back. No more ravers, no more parties, and no more Chester and Stella. Yes! I could celebrate right now, but there was one thing keeping me from doing it; I'm in school. My backpack is in the apartment and the only things in my long forgotten locker are webbed math exams with huge red "f's" on top of them. I haven't opened that since July. Other than that, I was in my barefeet and my glasses are fucked.

A loud honking screech coming from somewhere nearby interrupted my contemplation, deafening my eardrums, followed by a few people who were standing by the pavement, peering at me with wide eyes and parted mouths screaming; “Miss, get out of the fucking way!” they yelled, extending their arms forward toward the side.

I followed the direction they were pointing at in turmoil, all the air in my lungs knocked out as a black car with blinding headlights increase in size in front of me, greater than the other ones passing by; each inch it neared my stomach flipped. My feet froze against the cement, my arms incapable of any action as I scream inside my head like it was going to do anything. Before I could take in a breath, an excruciating pressure hit my legs, my balance vanishing as it hit me and sent me forward, my stomach landing onto the cold hood of the car where my glasses fell right off my eyes. The screeching of the wheels accompanied by a crunching noise and a louder honk finally brought me back to reality, my heart hammering against the bones of my ribcage.

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