thirty six

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“Guys, all I asked was what happened last night.” I clarified between their argument, running my hands through the stiff strands of my hair. They both looked at me, shame evident in their eyes as they sat there, the moderate width of the boat enough to give us space from each other which I couldn’t be more thankful for. I thought being trapped in a room with two supermodels would be my greatest dream, but I’ve been proven wrong a million times now since I stepped into this bullshit.

Niall was the first one who spoke, dragging his limbs against his chest. “You really can’t remember?”

“I could remember the part where I jumped off the cruise and you guys saved me.” I stated, “And then there was a storm and you took one of the boats the passengers dropped from the deck and we got on it.”

“And?” Sebastian drawled, keeping his eyes on me like I was going to fly away if he didn’t, the black tie hanging from his neck being blown by the wind.

And? I shook my head in confusion, digging through everything I could remember from last night past the part I bawled in the corner of the dinghy, shivering to death. Absolutely nothing, like a huge chunk of my brain had been bitten off and replaced by a void, the swinging of the boat shaking my insides to nausea. I couldn’t recall touching any of the fancy food placed in front of me on our table last night but I still felt like throwing up. “We were rowing and you suddenly started crying.” Niall explained, pressing his lips together in a tight line. I what? “We asked you what was wrong and you didn’t say anything, so I told Sebastian to stop and talk to you.”

“You were saying something about a Bill and a Henry?” Seb frowned.

“Harry.” I corrected, lending my ears to their story, wanting to know more. How come I don’t remember anything? Did my head just suddenly turn itself off over exhaustion? Although this wasn’t the first time something like this has happened to me. Bill used to say I would say nonsensical shit whenever we had revise sessions in either of our houses and I wouldn’t recall any of it, perhaps because I was just so over it and I didn’t want to deal with it anymore. I never thought of any of it, neither did I tell Angel even though it should be something we talk about, Nonetheless, I’ve always been worried of mentioning things I’m not supposed to, and maybe this was it.

“Who’s Harry?” Niall questioned.

“Yeah and who’s Bill?” Sebastian added, two pairs of blue eyes burning holes on my face more than the sun did.

“Uh . .” I began, casually preparing to explain myself. I opened my mouth, stopping myself before I could go on. Why the fuck should I substantiate? That’s none of their business? I looked back at them, studying the expressions plastered across their faces. Niall only stared at me waiting for me to talk and Seb did the same, all the while seeming like they were ready to judge whatever was about to come out of my mouth. Seriously? A snort wasn’t even enough to cut the utter absurdity of the situation. Were they actually jealous? Of course they are, why was I even surprised. They can’t even stand the idea of one another having the upper hand with Hannah, let alone other people they haven’t heard of before. Something about the fact that they were questioning who Bill and Harry was struck me like a truck. It wasn’t right, just like how it wasn’t right I was in the middle of the goddamn ocean with the two of them. “Are you guys serious?”


“You’re jealous.”

“Who’s jealous?” They looked at each other.

“You guys!” I exclaimed, “You’re fucking jealous!”

“Of what? We just want to know who Bill and Harry are!”

Angel Eyed (DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)Where stories live. Discover now