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"Fine, I'll cooperate." I rolled my eyes, leaning over to the edge of the table. "As long as I don't fucking die from it."

Stella slides the clipboard to my direction. I lifted it up from the table and held it up to my face to get a good look behind my glasses.

"Stella Lived Enterprise.

The following contract is proof of consent for The Devil to ruin your life. Within the following paragraphs are proposals in which one would sell their soul in exchange of nine wishes. One is allowed to use the wishes whenever and how ever they would like, the devil doesn't have the ability control free will. If manipulation and mind control is used, the contract will have to be cancelled. After the wishes are exhausted, you would have to be officially exterminated and spend eternity in hell."

"What? Fuck no!" I exclaimed, throwing the clipboard back to the desk and away from my grasp.

"Oh, come on."

"No, I'm not going to sell my soul for fucking nine wishes, do you think I'm that pathetic?!"

Stella stood up from her seat, her arms firmly planted against the table as she leaned over to me. "Cass, just think about it! Nine wishes! You don't just pray to god and suddenly you have nine wishes to do whatever you want! This is a once in a life time chance!"

"Stella, no."

"Okay, I think you are pathetic, but that doesn't mean I don't love you!"

"Fuck you."

"Cassandra, use your intellect." She insisted. "You're better than that, aren't you? And I too, know you've got potential, don't just waste it trying to prove yourself to your parents. You can do so much more!"

"Like what?!"

"Improve your life!" She argues with added exaggiration.

A sigh escaped my mouth, my head tightening as I search for any arguments left I could use. Despite my many attempts to think otherwise, she was absolutely right. I try to think of the last time I felt genuinely happy on what ever I'm doing, and I go back to when I was eight years old. It's been nine years, and ever since all I did was do my best to impress my parents even though I know to myself I can't. And I couldn't be more grateful that they're doing all these things for me. They sent me to another country to pursue my course, they support my education, I've got an awesome cousin; but sometimes I wish I just don't.

No matter how selfish it seems, sometimes I wish I was a different person, with a completely different life. I would start over and pick up all the pieces of that life and use it as my own. It doesn't make sense, but when I'm facing my mistakes it does. I don't even care if I leave my family behind. They've always been my number one priority, maybe it's time I think of myself for once. I've already stayed up all night trying to find the answers to the questions I can't understand. I pretended I could do things even though I can't because people will have misconceptions about me. I did everything to the point where I'm just tired.

That was the main reason why I became friends with Bill. I didn't want to be forever alone facing my own misfortunes. I wanted someone next to me who isn't a relative, and someone who wouldn't immediately tell my parents when I would have an emotional break down. I needed someone to talk to when I'm all alone in the lunchroom, envying the people who had friends. I was that girl, but at least when I met him I momentarily forgot what I was. And when I found out he was leaving me, I hated myself. I know I was going to go back to being the envious girl with the constant headaches, trying to pass all the entrance exams to math clubs and teams.

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