thirty four

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"You fucking idiots!" I exclaimed, my voice unrecognizable to my ears as the cold broke through my throat. The numbness previously encompassing my muscles vanish, replaced by swelling down my legs and stinging in my eyes, the salt water entering my tearducts and blurring my vision; yet even those weren't enough to distract me from the fact I was royally screwed. Not only that, I was royally screwed with two men-children in the middle of the fucking ocean. Why? I had no fucking idea!


"Cassandra, are you okay?" Niall looked at me, tucking a loose strand of damp hair behind my ear, like my appearance was anything to worry about at the fucking moment. I ask myself the same thing; 'Am I okay?' After a quick evaluation of our situation, I've come to the conclusion I was no where near okay. To answer the fucking question; I was in the middle of god knows what ocean territory, trapped in an endless abyss of water with the ground probably miles away under our feet, with two guys who wouldn't stop fighting while the nearest source of safety and security was rowing back to civilization, abandoning us possibly forever. Even just the very idea of it was beyond absurd, like I was in some sort of tragedy film and boats were going to come to rescue us after the shoot was over. Nevertheless, rescue boats were no where to be seen.

It was enough I fell off the cruise out of utter idiocy, but they just had to jump over and fuck the situation even more? I was angry, possibly even extremely aggravated by the fact now I didn't just have to worry about getting rescued, I also had to panic over the idea of dying out of drowning in severe infuriation. "Call them over!" I screamed, holding onto Niall for dear life as he continued wiggling his feet under the water, the colossal ship loudly cruising down the silent ocean.

Sebastian peered at the humongous ship already too far away for swimming distance, his black blazer soaked, bellowing at the top of his lungs, "Help!"

I held my breath despite being out of the water, closely watching every movement the ship made. There were still several people on the deck, most of them facing the other way as the muffled music died in the background. Sebastian's scream hangs in the chilly air, no response or even just a glimpse from the people crowding the back of the cruise. They couldn't hear us, and just like that, the sickening sensation in my stomach was back to haunt me. "Come back!" He yells again, his voice making my ears ring.

"Maybe we can swim over?" Niall suggests.

My teeth grit from both the cold and the fury surging through my arteries. "You absolute fucking idiots . ." I curse under my breath, my entire face quivering from the cold. I wanted to let go of Niall, but everytime I did, I sink back into the water. "Why did you jump?!"

They both stare at me with confused looks, as if I've said something extremely moronic. "Well-- We couldn't just let you die--" Sebastian sputters with wide eyes, throwing his arms under the water.

Alright, sure, maybe I was grateful they went as far as risking their lives to save mine, but at the end of the day, we were still trapped. "Why did both of you jump?!" I chastised further, my voice trembling in anger as it echoed across the seas. I've been mad before. Several times even, especially when Bill kissed me because I felt like he threw an entire year of friendship down the furnace and pretended it didn't happen. But this was so much worse. At least last night the only thing I had to worry about was anxiety and depression, but now I also had to worry about drowning, not to mention, deal with them all over again when they were the reason I hid and fell in the first place. "Have you guys actually lost your fucking minds?!"

"Cass, stop--"

"Shut the fuck up, Niall!" I spat, "You don't have the right to tell me to stop when you guys didn't even stop to think about what will happen!"

Angel Eyed (DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)Where stories live. Discover now