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Cigarettes after sex apocalypse


Got the music in your baby? Tell me why
Got the music in your baby? Tell me why
You've been locked in here forever, and you just can't say goodbye.

🥀 Chapter 9 🥀

It was a hazy summer day; the sun dipped in the blue sky, brushing its heat and light in the middle of summer.

Checking out the big heirloom clock hanging on the wall, her body felt more restless, especially after the reality hit her as to how grey her future held for her, as the wife of Kim Taehyung.

And she was alone in the big house since it has been almost 2 days since she has last seen Taehyung.

She had spent her morning walking outsides with a sleeveless flowered dress by enjoying nature and the clean summer air.

There were gardeners, guards and certain employees of Taehyung around the house but inside, it seems that he prefers much of private life.

Mr Han, an old gardener she met just now, contended that maids would only come early in the morning to clean the house even before Taehyung wakes up from his slumber or when he's working.

He just doesn't like strangers inside his house.

'Mr Kim loves privacy, Madam. He rarely talks, but he's a really good employer. I've been working here for 6 years and have been working with his late father for 15 years, yet You're the first woman he brings to this house. we're just glad that Mr Kim finally found the person that he loves." Mr Han said to her, accompanied by a warm smile, a smile of admiration and respect.

From the words uttered by him, she realised that The air of respectability surrounding Taehyung concocted by his actions towards his employees and the words of the gardener and the butler she just knew had proved so.

"So, did he always come back to the house like this? I mean, is he rarely at home?" Curiousness in her question.

"Yes, we rarely see him in the morning since he's working, but the guard always told me that he sometimes didn't come home due to his work. And That's why I rarely meet him."

His words hang in the air construing her mind as to how lonely is his life. To build such a big empire at a young age, The young man is doing well from the last time they met.

Heaving lightly, she tied her hair in a bun as she pushed her thoughts away.

Grabbing her jacket and her purse, she put in her sneakers to go out and buy some groceries. The house seems to lack life for sure, like it was too empty for her.

The least she can do is to buy something that she loves to eat from the grocery. This house needs a touch of women.

Her work will be starting next week since Taehyung insisted to her father that she needs a 'holiday' after their wedding.

No, it's more to his instruction.

Suddenly her dad called her, in a flash of light, her mode turned sour. Her anger towards him was prevailing despite the numerous attempts of seeking her forgiveness.

Her dad claimed that she is safer by marrying Taehyung, caveating the constant worries clouding his mind.

It's true since he doesn't have to worry about her whereabouts, but still, she just can't accept his decision to consenting something without even asking her first.

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