CH 27

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Ghira "*strained* Kali. I..I.." *colapses*

Rampage "MEDIC!"

Kali *tears up* "No!"


*time skip 3 days*

Razorclaw *walks up to podeum* "Ladies and gentlemen, I have unfortunate news. Leader Belladonna is dead."

*crowd murmers*

Razorclaw "His death was not due to natural causes. Leader Belladonna was assasinated."

deer faunus "Was it the White Fang?"

mouse faunus "Are we even safe?"

Razorclaw "Please everyone..."

Ilia "How do we know you didn't kill him?"

Tantrum "WE WOULD NEVER!!"

Divebomb "Calm yourself, Tantrum."

*meanwhile inside*

Headstrong *walks in with tea* "I do hope this tea helps Mrs. Belladonna." *sets tray down*

Kali *looks at golden rhino* "Thank you, Headstrong." *takes cup*

Rampage *looks up from book* "Did Leader Belladonna have any enemies?"

Kali "Besides the Schnee Dust Company recruiter? Not that I know of."

Headstrong/Rampage "Recruiter?" 


Razorclaw "I give you my word that we will find Leader Belladonna's killer and bring them to justice. *notices bullhead* Divebomb check out that dropship."

*the golden eagle hurries away* 

Tantrum *take place at podeum* "Funeral services for Leader Belladonna will be held in one week. Everyone is permitted to join, but no weapons will be permitted near the service. Thank you."

Divebomb *to Razorclaw* (Boss we got some slagger at the docks demanding to see you.)

Razorclaw (Alright I'm on my way.)


Razorclaw "Divebomb, what is the problem?"

Divebomb "This guy wants to haul off some faunus to work in the dust mines."

Recruiter "And if you don't move out of the way, I will have to use force."

Razorclaw "You will not take any faunus if they do not wish to leave."

Recruiter "Puh-lease. It's better they do something with their misserable lives than rot away here. I'm taking them whether they like it or not." *tries to walk away*

Razorclaw *grabs recruiter's collar* "You fail to grasp what I have just said. *lifts him up* They will not leave if you order them to. They are their own person. They are our people." *drops recruiter*

Recruiter "You'll regret that. I'll come back with an army."

Divebomb "Try it and see what happens."

Razorclaw "Leave. Now"

*recruiter leaves*

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