CH 04

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Razorclaw "Then we will join you."

Novaburst "Thank you."


*in med-bay*

Scalpel  "How Is Stinger, Herr Hook?"

Hook "It'll be a miricle if he survives."

Knockout "I don't get how he lost his legs. There was no trace of them from what Swindle told me."

Hook "That's not important. What is important is getting Stinger stable."

Knockout "I just hope BD doesn't destroy the med-bay if Sting'.. does..."

*with seekers*

Novaburst "Hey, Skywarp."

(A/N) Skywarp Novastorm and Acidstorm are femmes I couldn't find  pictures though

Thundercraker "Hey 'Warp, who's at the door?"

Skywarp "It's Nova."

Novastorm "Hey Nova. Miss me." *winks*

Novaburst *blushes a bit* "I...I...I..."

Starscream *walks in* "Oh Novaburst. Is there a problem?"

Novaburst "No, Starscream, I was just here to ask Dreadwing and Skyquake something."

Dreadwing "Is this about your mission to Remnant?"

Novaburst "How did you..."

Skyquake "Skywarp told us. She was eavsdropping over her bond with Starscream."

Skywarp *panicy* "N-No I wasn't, I was..."

Thrust " Forget it, 'Warp. Yer caught."

Skywarp *taps index finger together* "Sorry."

Starscream *puts right servo on forehelm* "What am I gonna do with you?"

Novaburst "Anyway, I came here cause I was hoping Dreadwing and Skyquake would join me."

Dreadwing "You want to join 'Quake?"

Skyquake "We accept, Novaburst."

Novastorm/Acidstorm *grab onto Novaburst's arms* "What about us 'Burst?"/ "You're gonna leave us without something to remember you by?" *both lean in to kiss Novaburst*

Ionstorm "If it wern't for our seeker bond, I would deactivate myself for seeing this."

Novaburst *ducks under the two femmes* "Dreadwing, Skyquake, the ship we are using is 'The Harbinger', and we leave tomorrow mourning."

Dirge "NOVA RUN!"

*Novaburst sees Novastorm and Acidstorm angrily walking towards him*

Ionstorm *pushes Novaburst out and tries to block the door*



Dirge (Soundwave, Novaburst needs an imeadiate groundbridge out of base.)

Soundwave (?)

Thrust (Two angry femmes are on his tailpipe.)

Soundwave (!)

*with Novaburst*

Novaburst "I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!" *runs down another corridor*

Acidstorm *slowly catching up* "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!"

Novaburst *reaches deadend* "I'm scraped."

Novastorm "Finally, time for your punishment."

Acidstorm "And since it's femme heat cycle soon you can help us with it." *smirks*

Novastorm "We could do this the easy way and in a closet..."

Acidstorm "Or the hard way in a random corridor..."

Both "Where everyone can see us." 

*groundbridge opens behind Novaburst*


Acidstorm "What?" *turns head to Ionstorm*

Novaburst *runs through bridge*

*bridge closes*

Novastorm *screams and puntches wall* "NOO!"

*with Novaburst*

Novaburst *jumps out of bridge* "Wow. Note to self keep away from base for a while."

Goldbug "Well well look what we have here."

Rodimus "Looks like prey."

Novaburst "Goldbug. Rodimus."

Goldbug "What's a deceptifreak doing here?"

Novaburst "Hiding from two heat driven seeker femmes."

Rodimus "What?"

Novaburst "Acidstorm and Novastorm are in heat after I made them kiss each other."

Goldbug "How in the name of The Great Devourer did you do that?"

Novaburst "I went to talk to the seekers about something and Novastorm and Acidstorm grab onto my arms wanting to twin kiss me. I ducked at the last astro-secondand broke free while they kissed each other. They chased me half-way through base until I was cornered. It wasn't until Ionstorm distracted them long enough for me to go through the groundbridge I just came out of. Is it femme heat cycle for the autobots as well?"

Rodimus "Yea. Optronix had them locked in their berthrooms until it's over. I'm sure if he let them out they'd mount any mech within grabbing range. Wouldn't suprise me if they mounted the 'cons."

Novaburst *starts laughing*

Goldbug "What's so funny?"

Novaburst *strugling to speak* "I-I can't help but imagine Elita 1 mounting Megatron, or Victorian mounting Menasor. Or even Nightbird mounting Optronix"

Rodimus *chuckles*

Goldbug *laughing* "Maybe we should have a cease fire so the femmes can mate." *laughs harder*

Rodimus "You think Macadam's is still open? We might get shot for treason sitting out here."

Novaburst "Hopefully, I need to stay away from base for a while."

Goldbug "Race ya." *transforms and races off*

Rodimus "You cheater." *transforms and races off*

Novaburst *transforms* "Get back here." *laughs*

The Son of Megatron, RWBY X Transformers Shattered GlassTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon