CH 05

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Rodimus "You think Macadam's is still open? We might get shot for treason sitting out here."

Novaburst "Hopefully, I need to stay away from base for a while."

Goldbug "Race ya." *transforms and races off*

Rodimus "You cheater." *transforms and races off*

Novaburst *transforms* "Get back here." *laughs*


Macadam "It warms my spark to see you youngling taking time off from hating each other."

Rodimus "We don't hate each other all the time Uncle Macadam."

Novaburst "Yeah. we only hate eah other on the battle field."

Macadam "Still, you boys aree too young to fight. Especially when Cybertron goes dark."

Goldbug "Dark? What do you mean?"

Macadam "Cybertron is dying since the corruption. Energon isn't being produced as much. And it will be gone with how fast the autobots and decepticons are using it up." *place mugs down*

Goldbug "That's why the Ark is being built. So we can leave Cybertron."

Macadam "I still remember when your fathers came here to have a drink and plan how they would speak to the counsel."

Novaburst "Can you tell us another story Uncle Macadam."

Macadam "You boys know I'm not really your uncle."

Rodimus "We know. Its just whenever our fathers had a peace meating you took care of us."

Novaburst "And made us behave."

Goldbug "And taught us a few non-fighting skills."

Macadam *grabs pitcher* "Ok boys, how about I tell you the story of the final moments of the 13 primes."

Goldbug "How would you know of their final moments?"

Macadam "Alpha Trion told me the story for one thing since my memory isn't that good."

Novaburst "Wait. Uncle Trion was one of the original 13?"

Goldbug "You were one of the original 13?"

Macadam "Yes, though me and Alpha Trion hid our identities."

Rodimus "What were the 13 like?"

Macadam "Well when Primus first created us we almost immediately started fighting. After Solus Prime forged our weapons we fought Unicron. Each of us had something different about us that gave us the advantage over Unicron. There was Prime, leader and the first matrix bearer. Vector Prime, master of time and space. Alpha Trion, holder of The Quill, he could see the past present and future. Solus Prime, The Forger, and the first femme.Micronus Prime, the first Minicon. Alchemist Prime, Student of elemental structures. Nexus Prime, the first combiner. Onyx Prime, the first beast-former. Amalgamous Prime, the Joker, the Shifter, he was an easy going bot. Quintus Prime, a daydreamer, Seeder of Life. Liege Maximo, the 'Prime of Lies'. Megatronous Prime, an honorable warrior, and Optimus Prime, one who banded his brothers together against Unicron."

Goldbug "But which one are you Uncle Macadam?"

Macadam "How do you think I can mix drinks so well?"

Novaburst "Because energon has chemical structure ans Alchemist Prime is a student of the elements..."

Rodimus "You're Alchemist Prime?!"

Macadem "Yes."

Novaburst "What happened to the other primes?"

Macadem "Well as you now know, Alchemist Prime became a bartender, Alpha Trion became a librarian, Vector Prime dissapeared, Nexus Prime split up, literally, Quintus Prime left and settled on a planet far from Cybertron, Liege Maximo was banished to the deepest pits of Cybertron when he tried to con other lifeforms from their planets, Onyx Prime, left for the rust fields and tried raising a predicon race,  Micronus Prime, went into 'The Prime Realm', a little reality we shared, Amalgamous wanted to travel the stars..."

Goldbug "What about the other four?"

Alchemist "Solus Prime was killed when a weapon she was forging exploded, Prima was killed when his ship was blown up by Unicron, Optimus was destroyed when he tried to fight Unicron alone."

Novaburst "But that's only 12 primes. What about Megatronous?"

Macadam "When Alpha Trion looked into his special book he saw a great evil, Megatronous offered his spark tothe well so he could be reborn when the evil arises."

Rodimus "Who is he now?"

Macadem "When Megartonous's spark was reborn he was sent to the energon mines as that was what he was born into."

Megatron (Novaburst, I think it's safe for you to return. Novastorm and Acidstorm have been locked in a spare room till they can calm down.)

Optronix (Goldbug, Rodimus, where are you two?)

Goldbug (On our way Lord Optronix.) *to Macadem* "Sorry Uncle Macadem. We have to go." *downs rest of drink* "Come on Rod."

Rodimus *chugs drink* "Coming."

*both autobots leave*

Novaburst "I have to leave too, but can you tell me what Megatronous's name was in the mine?"

Macadem "D16." *takes Goldbug's and Rodimus's empty mugs*

Novaburst *finishes drink* "D16? It sounds familier." *waves as he leaves* "By Uncle Macadem." *transforms and drives off*

Macadem "Take care kid. Life has a funny sense of humor." *walks to back room*

*at Decepticon H.Q.*

Megatron "Novaburst, what happened?"

Novaburst "When?"

Starscream "You're not in trouble. We just want to know what happened after you left base."

Novaburst "Well, I landed just outside of Thexis and there I met Goldbug and Rodimus."

Megatron "You weren't injured were you?"

Novaburst "No. We got to talking about femme heat cycle and then went to Uncle Macadem's for some energon. He told us a story before we had to leave."

Rumble "What was the story?"

Ravage "Rumble, hush."

Megatron "So you Goldbug and Rodimus didn't fight?"

Novaburst "I'm glad we didn't. I was still tired from running from two seekers."

Starscream "Don't worry about them they are stuck in a spare berthroom till they cool down."

Novaburst "On a completely unrelated topic. Dad when you first worked in the mines what was your designation?"

Megatron "D16. Why?"

Novaburst *smiles* "Uncle Macadem just told us a story about the original 13."

Starscream "What does a story about the 13 have anything to do with Lord Megatron's old designation?"

Novaburst "Well, when Megatronous Prime sacrificed his spark to be reborn, he was reborn a miner named D16."

Soundwave "So does that mean..."

Megatron "Novaburst, are you certain?"

Novaburst "Uncle Macadem told us Alpha Trion told him the story since his memory was fading."

Arachnid "Wait. Alpha Trion was one of the original 13?"

Novaburst "And Macadem. But he was originally Alchemist Prime."

Megatron "It is best we keep this to ourselves."

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