CH 19

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Novaburst "Every sentiant being has the abilaty to change. Even warlords."

Yang "Thanks, Jaune." *smiles*

Novaburst "I need to head out so Fangface will stay and keep you company." *kisses Yang's cheek*

*Nova leaves and Fangface drops down from ceiling*

Yang *blushes*


Treadshot "Remind me why we aren't telling Miss Goodwitch about Ice witch's refusal to do her punishment?"

Novaburst "It is just a waist of time."

Treadshot "OK. So what are we doing today?"

Novaburst "Well you can do what ever you like. It is a weekend so you are free to do whatever."

Skyquake "Dreadwing and I are going to the training center."

Treadshot "I guess I'll try this item called 'cake'."

Novaburst "You three have fun. I am going to Vale." *leaves*


Dew "I told you, Gwen we should have have never given the map to Octavia."

Gwen "I gave the map to Nebula."

Octavia "I'm not that bad of a navigator."

Nebula "Perhaps we should ask someone for directions."

*Dew notices Jaune*

Dew "Woah. Hunk 3 o'clock."

Nebula "Excuse me we're lost. We need to find Beacon tower."

Novaburst "Hmm? Oh it's kinda easy. You just need to head that way. *points north* You'll come to the ampitheater, and Beacon tower should be to the right of it."

Nebula "Thanks. I'm Nebula. Leader of team NDGO."

Dew "I'm Dew."

Gwen "I'm Gwen."

Octavia "Name's Octavia."

Novaburst "I'm Novaburst. Leader of team DSTN."

Nebula "Novaburst? Well it's very nice to meet you. *to her team* Let's go we need to meet Professor Ozpin."

Novaburst "Are you the team to replace CRDL?"

Qwen "Yep. We swapped places with them. So you'll be seeing alot more of us handsome." *team NDGO walk away*

Dew *blows kiss to Jaune*

Nebula *winks at Jaune*

Novaburst "This is gonna be a VERY interesting year." *walks onto bullhead*

The Son of Megatron, RWBY X Transformers Shattered GlassNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ