CH 21

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Nora "Maybe you could visit the little tike."

Novaburst "Would you like that

Jeramy "Mmhmm." *nods*


Novaburst *after helping the kids* "Where to go now?"

Coco "Hey, Blondie."

Novaburst "Hello, Coco. What are you doing here?"

Coco "Ther's a sale at a clothing store I wanna see."

Novaburst "Good luck with that."

Coco "C-could you come with me? I need some help."

Novaburst "I dont see a problem."

*5 hours later*

Coco "Hey, Juany. What do you think of this swim suit. *walks out in skimpy two-piece* Pretty sexy huh?"

Novaburst "I think that is up to you."

Coco *leans close to Jaune* "C'mon. You have to like this. Or maybe you'll like this." *holds up smaller bikini*

Novaburst "Coco, please, are we done yet?"

Coco *pouts* "Almost. I need a dress for the dance coming up."

Novaburst "What dance?"

Coco "You seriously don't know? It was the talk of Beacon for months."

Novaburst "I have been away."

Coco "Well anyway, let's get you a tuxito. *drags Jaune to men's wear* Let's see." *looks at clothes*

Novaburst "Coco. You are still in the swim wear." *many guys stare at Coco*

Coco *pulls Jaune's arm between her breasts* "Well. If you had remembered the dance I would have changed."

Novaburst "Can we please hurry this up."

Coco *rubs against Jaune* "Don't you like spending time with me?"

Novaburst *pulls free and grabs suit* "I am going to try this on. Please change back into your clothes."

*two hours later*

Coco "Ok. Now that that's done, why don't you and me get something to eat."

Novaburst "I must get back to Beacon."

Coco *latches onto Jaune's arm* "Wanna go to my dorm when we get back"

Novaburst "I have to meet with my team." *both get on bullhead*

Coco "You know there are co-ed showers in 2nd year dorms. You could stoop by. I have trouble washing my back."

Novaburst "Perhaps you can have Velvet clean your back." *looks at datdpad*

Coco *quietly growls* "Well I don't want to bother her when she's doing her homework or sleeping."

Novaburst "Then perhaps one of the 1st year females would be able to help."

*bullhead lands*

Novaburst *gets up* "Well thank you for helping me choose a suit, Coco. But I must be going."

Coco "But. But. *Jaune leaves the ship* AAAHHH! *punches wall* I ALMOST HAD HIM!!"

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