CH 13

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Treadshot *sits next to Novaburst* "Easy buddy. You're gonna be alright. *Skyquake hands Treadshot the energon cube* Here. Drink up. We have a big orn infront of us."

Novaburst *takes cube* "What would I do without you guys?"

Treadshot "Get scrapped by Goldbug?"

Dreadwing "Get experimented on by Percepter?"

Skyquake "Have your helm mounted in Optronix's thrown room?"


*the next morning*

Glynda *knocks on door*

Novaburst *opens door* "Miss Goodwitch."

Glynda "Good morning, Jaune. I am here regarding your team's initiation. You four will fighting the members of team CRDL."

Novaburst "Of course. Thank you Miss Goodwitch."

Treadshot "Say, Miss Goodwitch."

Glynda "Yes, Treadshot?"

Treadshot "We were talking about a challenge with CRDl and we wanted to run it by you and the professor for approvel."

Glynda "It depends."

Treadshot "We were discussing about how the winner of the fight should stay and the loser leaves forever."

Glynda "I believe that is resonable. I'll allow it." *leaves*

Novaburst "Treadshot, why would you ask Miss Goodwitch to arrange such a duel?"

Treadshot "Well, if we win, which we will, we can be rid of CRDL."

Novaburst "I wish you would have ran it by me first. *rubs nose bridge* But I admire your dexterity."

Dreadwing "So you are allowing this to happen?"

Novaburst "Yes. We..." *intercom calls students to fight class*

Skyquake "This is it."

Novaburst "Decepticons, prepair for battle."

*in fight class*

Yang "I heard a team of boys may join. I hope they're hot."

Wiess "This is why you just barely pass any of your classes."

Coco "I heard a couple of them are twins."

Velvet *to Pyrrha and Ruby* "Isn't it wierd how we got new students after Jaune and his friends showed up."

Pyrrha "Actually, last night Nora smelt pancakes from the dorm next to Team RWBY's and Jaune and his friends were in it."

Ruby "Do you think they'll win?"

Velvet "I hope so."

Glynda "Attention students today a new team will be trying their hand at Beacon. Today they will fight Team CRDL, but with a twist."

Ruby "Twist?"

Glynda "The victor of this match will be allowed in as students, or continue their studies, and the loser shall be bared from school grounds."

Pyrrha "Now I really hope Jaune wins."

Glynda "Will Team CRDL please prepair for your spar."

*team CRDL leaves*

Glynda "Will team DSTN please come to the ring."

*team DSTN enters*

Yang "You have got to be kiding me."

Wiess "What is HE doing back here?"

Blake "Wasn't he expelled?"

Coco *to herself* "he looks so hot. Maybe he'll forgive me for ignoring him if I apoligize."

Nora *to Yang* "Told you."

Jane "..." *looks down*

*team CRDL returns*

Cardin "Well well well, I told you I was gonna get you expeled, and here's how I'm gonna do it."

Novaburst "Do you three remember the battle of Helix Pass?"

Treadshot "Yea. But what does... OOH."

Novaburst *to the twins* "Skyquake, Dreadwing, I want you both to provide air support."

Skyquake "Consider it done."

Novaburst "Treadshot, I want you to flank them, while I take them head on."

Glynda *activates her board*"Hmm. Treadshot, Skyquake, and Dreadwing, aren't displaying aura. *to the fighters* Are both teams ready?"

Cardin "Yea."

Novaburst "Yes, ma'am."

Glynda *blushes a bit* "O the count of three. One. Two. THREE!"

*Dreadwing and Skyquake fly up with weapons drawn."

Novaburst "Remember. Minimal force. Disarmament only."

Cardin "Say goodbye Arc." *swings mace*  

Novaburst *catches mace with ease* "Not today." *uppercuts Cardin*

*one fight later*

Treadshot *kick Cardin near Novaburst*

Novaburst "Cardin. Stand down." *punches Cardin in temple*

Cardin *falls unconcious*

Glynda "Team DSTN wins. Can someone help Cardin."

Novaburst *walks over to Cardin* "I'll take him." *lifts Cardin onto shoulders*

Treadshot "It takes a strong mech to help an enemy."


Novaburst "I'll get some food for the prosessor. You three can head to the dorm."

Treadshot "Mind if I tag along?"

Novaburst "Sure, come on I'll show you."

Dreadwing "If we are now students here. Perhaps it is best to geet a tour."

Novaburst "True. Alright let's get some stuff for energon and I'll give you a tour."

Wiess "Hold it right there, Arc."

Novaburst "What."

Blake "How di you do that? You were the worst student since you came here."

Yang "And you could never beat Cardin."

Wiess "So spill it, Arc. How did you do that?"

Novaburst "That information is on a need to know basis, and right now you don't."

Yand *grabs Jaune's collar* "Listen, you'd better tell us or..."

Novaburst "Or what? Did you not see the match? Do you not reliese there are four military trained mechs with deadly weapons?"

Yang *sees Dreadwing and Skyquakes weapons out*

Treadshot *pulls out pistol* "Let. Him. Go."

Yang "Fine." *lets go of Jaune*

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