CH 24 Merry Christmas

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Treadshot " So after running and hiding from those two, I made my way here."

Dreadwing "It seams Treadshot is crushing on Octavia."

Treadshot * blushes bright blue* "Belt up."


Novaburst *in music room* "This seams like a good song." *sit with back to door*

Ruby/Pyrrha/Velvet *poke heads in to hear singing*

Ruby "Wow."

Pyrrha "He's amazing."

*Coco walks over*

Coco "What's going on?"

Velvet "Listen."

Coco *blushes* "He has a great bod AND can sing?"

*in court yard*

Treadshot "So there's this type of cake no one likes?"

Octavia "Mhmm. It's called fruit cake. It's full of nuts and fruits, but I guess that the origional person who made it didn't properly write down the recipie."

Starscream "Excuse me. But we are lost, and are looking for someone. Can you both help us find him?"

Treadshot "Sure. Who is... Commander Starscream?!"

Soundwave *waves*

Octavia "Tread. You know these guys?" 

Soundwave ^But of course^

(A/N) ^Soundwave's recordings^

Treadshot "These guys are two of the highest ranking 'cons next to Big Boss."

Megatron "Hello, Treadshot."

Treadshot *salutes* "Lord Megatron."

Megatron "Please drop the formalities."

Treadshot "If I may ask sir, why are you here?"

Megatron "We are here to visit Novaburst and the rest of his crew."

Starscream "Could you please lead us to Novaburst."

Soundwave ^We - hate to - inturupt - your date - but - it is of the upmost importance.^

Octavia "W-we're not dating." *blushes*

Treadshot "I'll be back, 'Tavi." *kisses her cheek*

*with Novaburst*

Novaburst *finishes song* "Let's see if there are anymore good songs. *scrolls through list*

Ah, yesss."

Yang/Blake *walk in*

Yang "What's going on?"

Blake "Is that Jaune?"

Pyrrha "Yea. He's a great singer."

Treadshot "What's going on here?"

Velvet "Jaune is singing and he's amazing."

Treadshot "Well can you femmes move a bit please?"

Coco "Why?"

The Son of Megatron, RWBY X Transformers Shattered GlassNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ