Cybereen pt1

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(A/N) This chapter is in no way related to the story 

Novaburst *humming 'this is Halloween'*

Skywarp *skips in* "Hey, Nova'. Whatcha doing?"

Novaburst "Just setting up some Halloween decorations."

Thundercracker "What's Halloween?"

Novaburst "When I lived on another planet, everyone celebrated this C-list holiday called Halloween. It's basically where people dress-up in costumes. like getting a temporary paint job."

Skywarp *optic brighten* "OOHHH!! Can we do something like that? I'll go ask Megatron." *runs away*

Thundercracker "I don't know where she gets this energy. *to Novaburst* So what kinda 'costumes' do the people on your old planet where?"

Novaburst "Everything from scary to sexy."

Thundercracker "Do I even want to know what that last one means?"

Novaburst "It means when a femme wears little covering that highlights their curves."

Thundercracker *blushes bright pink* "W-Wh..."

Novaburst "You might wanna stop  thinking about Skywarp like that."

Starscream *walks over* "What's going on? I just saw Skywarp running to the Bridge saying something about, Hollowseve."

Thundercracker "Nova here was telling us about a C-list holiday on his old planet."

Novaburst "It's called Halloween. It's a time to dress-up, have fun, and eat as many sweets before you fall into recharge."

Starscream "Sounds odd."

Thundercracker "Wait. Why didn't 'Warp just teleport?"

Novaburst "Too excited most likely."

*in the bridge*

Skywarp "And you're supposed to eat a lot of sweets before you fall into recharge."

Megatron "It seems like a nice tradition, Skywarp. *Skywarp smiles* But we currently do not posses the materials do host such an event." *Skywarp pouts*

Soundwave "Run the requirements by me again, Skywarp. Maybe we can improvise."

Skywarp *smiles* "Well from what Nova told me, you need a costume which is like armour ment for decoration, some sweets, something really scary like a haunted maze, someone called Jack O' Lantern, and some costumes femmes where have to be 'sexy'."

Soundwave "Hmm. well we could re arrange some halls from our old base into a maze, I still have some recipes on how to make sweet-oil, rust-sticks, and sweet-en. Maybe we could stick up an autobot courpse and put a plaque that say's Jack O' Lantern on it. But for the costumes, I don't know.

Lugnut "What does 'sexy' even mean?"

Skywarp "Dunno, but it made TC blush."

Frenzy "I'll go ask." *jumps into vents*

Rumble "Wait for me." *jumps after his brother*

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