8 - Meeting my kids

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Writer's Pov

Time was around past five at evening.   Aira went to meet one of her school friend after parking her Maserati Ghibli at a side road. That was the same area where Aarush and Aaryan's school located. Aaryan went earlier back to home but Aarush stayed back lying to him that he has a basketball team selection. Actually he was with his new friends and riding their new bikes at pocket roads showing off his riding skills. Everyone was so fascinated by Aarush's riding styles and cheered for him but that made him overconfident and he tried to ride on its rear wheel. All of sudden he couldn't control the speed and that bike went straight hitting on Aira's brand new car breaking a side glass and few scratches on sides.

" Shit......'" Aarush cursed.

" Aarush..... Run  ... Before anyone comes run from there " his friend who is the owner of that bike shouted at Aarush and he left with his bike from the spot.  Security alarm of that car isn't stopping and Aarush looked around to confirm no one watched the scene. He quickly ran from there with his life and stopped only in front of his house gate.

Watching him all panicked Aaryan enquired about the situation and he explained what happened ?

" What ? Oh god..... What kind of car was that ? " Aaryan asked in a shivering voice

" I don't know.... whatever it is ..it looked like imported one. What should I do now ? Since the car looked much expensive I think the owner will be someone rich. May be he will ignore it right ? It's just a side mirror.. he can fix it ." Aarush walked around the house all tensed.

" Rich people's all the dangerous one. If it was a normal one we could talk and resolve things. But this is..... they won't leave such matters simply " Aaryan said.

" I think we should say this to mom. " Aaryan suggested

" No....no no....not to mom. She already lives a pressure cooker life. If we say this she will burst. " Aarush opposed that idea.

" Then you should have think about the consequences before getting into such issues. Mom thinks that you left such road racing. She only give permission to touch a vehicle after getting license. But this is..... " Aaryan sat back on couch thinking for a way to escape.


Abhi's office

" I was only five minutes away from my car dad. Inbetween that who knows who all came there I don't know . Whoever did this police have to arrest him no matter what. How can he just run away after spoiling someone's car ?  He has to fix my car with his money or he should spent his life inside Jail. " Aira went straight to Abhi's office once she saw the pathetic condition of her car and she was literally jumping in front of Abhi with her anger.

Abhi and Purab also looked a little shocked after seeing the condition of her brand New car.

" Purab...  Call the police and tell them to find that rascal as soon as possible.   After this case he shouldn't run away from the spot making such accidents.  careless people. " Abhi ordered and sent Aira back to home in his car.


Time was already seven at evening. Pragya wasn't at home as she has some business to take care of. Aarush was sitting on couch biting his nails thinking that what will happen.

" Are you sure no one was there at that spot ? " Aaryan asked again nervously.

" Yeah..... That I am sure and that's the only thing giving me some hope....." Making both Aaryan and Aarush flinch suddenly their  land phone rang.

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