7 - After a long time

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Writer's pov

" I am not going to leave this matter just like that. What kind of girl is she ? And what she is thinking about herself ? " Pragya barged into faculty room yelling alone and she banged her books on table relieving her anger.

" What happened Pragya mam ? Are you okay? " One faculty enquired

" No mam.... I am not. I have taught many students in my life but never ever met a girl like Aira in my life. So much arrogance and attitude..... I just wanted to smack on her face but what to do ? We can't hurt students right ? " Pragya sat on her chair and rubbed her temples to calm her down.

" No..... I am not going to leave this matter just like that. Her parents should know what is their child doing in college" Pragya opened the common system and began to search for Aira's guardian number.

'' Pragya mam.... Leave it. We know how students will be in college. They are just enjoying their life in campus" one commented.

" I don't have any issues with them for enjoying their college life but this is not like that. I am not asking to show your immense respect for teachers.
At least listen to them and hear what they are saying. We don't say anything bad for them. Everything is for their welfare not because we are mad. " Pragya yelled on whatever came in her mind because she was that much angry.

Finally she got Aira's gaurdian number but there wasn't any name. Just name of Aira and two mobile numbers. One will be student's number and other will be either of their parents.

Pragya took her phone and dialed the number and waited for someone to attend her call. She was ready to burst out but no one picked her call.

" Huh..... What kind of parents are they ? " Pragya scoffed when the last bell rang but she tried again and for the second time someone attended the call.

Number was Abhi's personal one but because he was attending an emergency meeting phone was attended by his personal secretary.

" Hello this is Abhi....."

" Thank god finally someone attended the call. You must be Aira's mother right ? Don't you have little bit of responsibility after sending your daughter to college ? Or you thought once they are in college they will handle it by their own ? " Pragya started her lectures without even asking who is on other side.

Abhi's secratary was dumbstruck and totaly confused about what's happening and Pragya isn't even giving a gap to explain things.

" Your daughter is the most worst student in this new batch. She never attend my class,her attendance is poor, she never submit her assignments on time, never attend any class test and if I ask something then she will talk back to her teachers. Is this how you raised your kids ? " Pragya stopped after letting out her anger on secratary.

" I heard everything you said mam but I not Aira's mother. But I will definitely pass your message to her father soon after his meeting is over and he will contact you back. You can talk to him whatever you want. Thank you for calling. Have a nice day mam " secretary quickly cut the call and didn't give Pragya a chance to say anything further.

" Hello....... Hello ...."

" Agrhhh... Damn it....." Pragya cut the call and threw her phone towards the table.


Abhi's office

Meeting went long than expected. Abhi came out from meeting hall along with Purab while discussing some work related matter. Meanwhile his secratary joined with him.

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