6 - Past

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Writer's pov

" No baby it's not like that. See.... I was indeed busy. I was out of station and got busy with few deals otherwise I would have come......" Purab was talking with his girlfriend and he was trying to make her understand that he is actually busy with work when she started whining about he is not giving much time for her.

" Hello bulbul" Abhi came to Purab's cabin and snatched his phone from him to talk with Purab's girlfriend Bulbul.

" What's the matter ? Today what's your issue with him ? " Abhi enquired while grabbing Purab's office chair where as Purab banged himself on couch like no energy left inside to fight with her.

"Mr Mehra..... " Bulbul started from other side.

" Seems like you are mad at me more than Purab. Otherwise that Mr Mehra wouldn't have come from other side." Abhi said.

" Come on bulbul. Abhi bhayya is sweet to hear from you " Abhi requested in a gentle voice.

" Fine, Abhi bhayya....that man whom I fell in love with .... Unfortunately is not living a life for himself but dedicated his life for your so called company. He is becoming a workaholic now. After talking with my mom for a long time finally she agreed to meet Purab and I booked a table for a dinner together. That same night he went to Singapore or Kuala Lumpur for some business meeting. I just want to ask in your office it's only Purab who is working ? Rest are just sleeping or something ? " Abhi glared at Purab for not informing him about dinner.

" Do you know how much I was embarrassed in front of my mom. She had to attend a medical conference but she cancelled it for this. Daughter's life comes first right ? " Bulbul complaints.

" Bulbul I am really sorry.... I didn't know about this otherwise I wouldn't have let him go . You talk with your mom again and set another date next time we are coming to your house with my family. Without fixing your marrige date we are not going to leave from your house. This is my promise. When your mother is ready to meet us call me not to this jerk. I will tie him up inside my car and bring him in front of you. " Said Abhi

" You promised me Abhi bhayya. If it goes against then I will burn your whole office " Bulbul cut the call giving her final warning and Abhi looked at Purab.

" When there is a girl who is madly in love with you and even ready to wait for you till her last breath, you don't even know how to cherish that girl ? You don't know how to value her Jerk ? " Abhi stood from chair rolling few papers in his hands and beat up Purab.

" Who is saying this ? " Purab mumbled while dodging his beatings

" I am ...... Abhishek Mehra the biggest Jerk is saying this. When I had someone with me like Bulbul I didn't see her value. When Pragya left I understood that what was her place in my heart " Abhi became serious suddenly.

" Then why this heartbroken Romeo didn't went behind her and bring her back ? " Purab spatted back

" That's because of her arrogance. She should have waited for me some more time. Atleast for few hours. Nope Pragya and her pride is top of everything. She even took away my kids from me " Abhi whined.

" And what you were doing these eighteen years ? Expecting Pragya come to your side and hold your legs to forgive her ? Who has arrogance and pride is showing very well now. Both were waiting for each other .... May be still now. Pragya's anger is justifiable because she was afraid of you. If a girl didn't get security from her man then any girl will find their own way to protect themselves. In your case Pragya was saving her kids. " Purab started lecturing Abhi.

" They are mine too... They are my blood. She didn't made them alone" Abhi interrupted and shouted.

" Oh So that's why you pushed her from stairs ? " Purab also didn't give up.

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