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Waking up after a night of sex with the scent of your love all over, a slight soreness in your ass and the sunlight over Paris seeping in between the curtains was great. The only thing that could've made it better? Your love's arms around your waist and slow, steady breath on your neck.

Instead, Brett had woken up to a piece of paper on his bedside table and Eddy's messy handwriting saying he was out getting them breakfast. A bit of a letdown, but he couldn't help but think it was a sweet gesture.

He curled back up in bed with a yawn and grabbed his phone. Outside, he could hear the faint sound of traffic and everyday life of the city, and he caught himself following the sound of an ice cream truck jingling past. It felt familiar.

"Let's see what the fans are up to lately, then," Brett mumbled to himself and logged into the twoset instagram account. Immediately he was hit with thousands of notifications, and while he used to get overwhelmed by this in the beginning, he thought it was nice that so many people wanted to talk to them.

He responded to a few messages, feeling a bit disappointed that he couldn't answer all of them. If he could, he definitely would. Then he went to the "twosetviolin"-tag to see what people had posted lately.

The very first picture was one of Eddy he didn't recognize. His hair was a bit ruffled, his neck obviously stained with the marks of their loving last night and that awkward smile he always had when getting approached by fans alone. It was clear that this picture could barely be half an hour old.

"God, you're so gorgeous," Brett mumbled, feeling himself smile like an idiot at the picture of his boyfriend. He grabbed Eddy's pillow and hugged it to his chest, feeling his cheeks get redder along with the widening of his smile. How was it even possible to be so in love with someone?

He heard the door unlock behind him and turned in time to see the same beautiful man enter the room. God, he was gorgeous.

"Morning, sunshine," Eddy smiled at him, setting the takeaway bag on the table in their room before running a hand through his hair to get it out of his eyes. Brett was sure his heart would explode with the love he felt for this man in that moment.

"Morning," Brett smiled back, holding out his arms to him so he'd come and replace his pillow. "Gimme a kiss please?"

Eddy grinned and sat down on the bed, leaning down to kiss his still naked boyfriend.

"You're so beautiful," Eddy whispered against his lips, letting his hand tangle into Brett's messy hair, combing through it. "You know, clothes are always optional when there's just the two of us, right?"

Brett could feel his cheeks warm up, but grabbed Eddy's jean jacket and pulled him closer. He smashed their lips together again, wrapping the other arm around Eddy's neck to keep him close.

Eventually, Eddy pulled away slightly to catch his breath. Their eyes were still locked together, and Brett didn't want this to stop.

"I brought food and coffee, want some?" Eddy breathed with a smile, kissing Brett's forehead before standing up and going over to fetch it. "And I found a bubble tea place, which took... some effort, if I'm honest."

Brett watched his boyfriend get the food, and sat up more in bed with the duvet now only covering him from the hips down.
"Yes please, love. Come eat in bed with me."

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