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Their lips had only barely touched when the loud knock on the door caused the pair to jump out of their seats and pull away from each other like they had just been caught doing something they shouldn't. Eddy groaned in frustration.
"That's probably Jordon", he mumbled, feeling the blush creep over his face again. Brett blinked a few times, trying to re-enter the real world before nodding a bit.
"Should probably answer that", he said to Eddy and started collecting their dishes, trying to hide the fact that his cheeks were probably even redder than Eddy's at this point.

Eddy went over to the front door, and opened it, feeling slightly annoyed by being interrupted like that. Jordon smiled widely at him, even though he was very obviously soaked from the rain still falling outside.
"Heyyy Eddy-boy! How was your night?" he said teasingly and play punched him in the arm, very obviously actually asking if something had happened last night after Ray and him left.
"Where did you put your jacket, I can fetch it for you?" Eddy asked flatly, completely ignoring Jordon's attempt at embarrassing him. Jordon shot him a look.
"Not too great, or what are you..?" he asked, a bit more worried. Had something happened?
"Hey, bud, are you here for your jacket or what?" Eddy asked, obviously annoyed. Jordon had just interrupted them, even though he obviously didn't do it on purpose, and now he just wouldn't get done with picking up the jacket. Wasn't it obvious Eddy just wanted to be alone with Brett?
"Alright, alright, it's behind the couch I think", Jordon finally said, still not understanding why Eddy was so annoyed. Eddy went to the living room to fetch it for him, leaving Jordon alone in the hallway.

Meanwhile, Brett had finished doing the dishes and went out in the hallway to say hi to Jordon, passing Eddy in the living room on the way.
"Hey bud, how typically you to forget your jacket", Brett joked when he saw Jordon in the hallway. "How are you feeling today?"
Jordon laughed with him at the joke. "Okay, actually. How about you? Did you discover anything yesterday, or?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. He just couldn't contain his curiosity. Unfortunately, Eddy returned before Brett could reply, and replying to the question with Eddy present made Brett incredibly nervous.
"I mean, uh, I think... yeah?" he stuttered, as if he wasn't sure, even though it was pretty obvious by now. Eddy tossed the jacket over to Jordon, who caught it. 
"You THINK?" Jordon asked, eyes moving between Brett and Eddy. He wasn't usually the one for gossip, but when the gossip was about two very good friends of his, of course he was interested in knowing about all the tea.

In a swift movement, Eddy had Brett with his back against the nearest wall, kissing him passionately, but softly. Only a short moment later he pulled away, taking in Brett's flustered face before he looked back at Jordon.
"Does that answer your questions?" he said flatly while Brett just stood there with his bright red cheeks and a small smile over his lips. That came almost as unexpected to him as Eddy's crush on him did. 
It certainly came unexpectedly on Jordon, who stood there with his jaw dropped to the floor for a second before finding his voice.
"Oh my god, really?! Ohhhhhhhhhh!" Eddy started to gently push him out the door while He squeeled like a fangirl. "Oh my god, I knew it, I knew it!"
"Don't tell anyone", Eddy instructed harshly as he closed the door on Jordon, who still had so many question he hadn't gotten the answer to. He got the hint, though, and went on his way when Eddy closed the door behind him.

Brett just stood there, trying to take in what had just happened. He followed Eddy with dazed eyes, not really knowing what to do with himself. The taste of Eddy's lips on his was still present as he let his tongue slowly glide over his lower lip. Eddy turned to look at him, almost apologetic.
"Uhm, sorry if that was a bit... uh... too forward..." he mumbled, scratching the back of his head. "I just wanted him to leave, you know?" 
Brett nodded, still searching for a way out of his dazed and flustered state.
"I didn't mind, it was nice", he finally got out, hoping in the back of his brain to be kissed like that again soon.

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