94. (nsfw)

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//NSFW //

A safe word was something Eddy hadn't heard about before, but once Brett explained it he realized it wasn't that bad of an idea. He'd know definitely when Brett wanted to stop and they could still have fun being kinky, even outdoors.

So when they were sitting at a café just across the street from the hotel and Brett slid the remote over the table to him, Eddy felt himself get a little excited.

"Did I tell you that I love that outfit on you, by the way?" Brett commented as if nothing had happened, and Eddy couldn't help but grin as he hid the tiny remote in his hand.

"No? But I guess it's not the worst I could wear," Eddy shrugged, deciding to let Brett wait for the vibrations he so obviously wanted. The feeling of being in control like that made his stomach tickle. "You look hot in anything, though."

Brett raised an impatient eyebrow, but got a hint of pink over his cheeks which revealed his true reaction.
"Yeah yeah, such a hottie," he said jokingly, running a hand through his hair. "What are we doing today, anyway? Expect just playing around, of course."

"I dunno, maybe just find some park or something. I'm all for just relaxing today, but outside," Eddy shrugged, watching Brett reach fir his coffee cup. With the swift movement of his thumb, he caused Brett's hands to tremble ever so slightly as he grabbed the handle. It was arousing just to see the reaction he got.

Brett swallowed hard before sipping his coffee.
"Yeah... Sounds good," he said, sounding almost normal. Almost. "You lead the way, love."

"I love it when you call me that."

"What? Love?"

"Yeah," Eddy admitted, blushing. He didn't really know why but it made the butterflies in his stomach go wild. "Makes me feel special."

"But you are special. The most important person in my life, the light to my darkness, the spr..." Brett exhaled heavily as Eddy upped the level of vibration again. It was so long since they'd done anything with the toy, and Brett had honestly forgotten how good it felt."... sprinkles to my... ice cream... "

"You're so sweet, babe. I love you," Eddy smiled, grabbing his coffee cup. In this moment, he was glad they'd chosen a table in the corner. Actually, it was Brett who had chosen this table. He must have done it on purpose.

"Love you... too," Brett exhaled, leaning his head in his hand and closing his eyes for a moment. Eddy knew that expression well, though.

"So, do you prefer menu item number three or number four?" Eddy asked innocently, and Brett met his eyes with a confused look for a moment before realizing what he was really asking.

"Oh I actually... uh... rather like number two... It's just enough so I don't have to... to roll out of here after..." Brett stuttered, but Eddy raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah yeah, but if you had to choose," Eddy said, trying his best not to let the grin form on his face. "I think there's more... cream... on number four."

Brett blushed hard, tilting his face down to hide it.
"I'm not sure if I can handle cream just yet, not here anyway..."

"You want to wait with the cream?" Eddy asked, raising an eyebrow. Brett shrugged.

"I mean, uh... I'd really like... cream... just not here, maybe? But if you want c..."

Brett couldn't even finish the sentence before Eddy had moved his finger. Menu item number four, if not five. He wasn't sure, but he hid his face in his hands and bit down hard on his lip. Holy shit, was he really about to cum in a café in Paris?

It didn't make anything better when Eddy slid the remote into his pocket and took his hands in his, forcing him to show him his flustered face.

"God, you're beautiful," Eddy mumbled, licking his lower lip. Seeing Brett trying his best not to cum while simultaneously knowing he'd do so much to get to do just that... It was so hot.

Brett didn't reply. Brtmett couldn't reply, knowing his voice would betray him and reveal to the relatively large amount of other customers what was going on.

"You sure you don't want any cream, Brett?" Eddy asked, sounding as innocent as he could. He loved this more than he wanted to admit to anyone. "Say 'yes please' if you want cream, and 'no thank you' if you want to wait."

There was a pause as Brett tried to fight the desperate need for relief to allow logic to tell him that cumming in his boxers in a café would be a bad idea. It didn't really work.

"Y... yes please," Brett begged, blushing harder as Eddy wasn't able to hold his grin back anymore. "Please let me have cream."

It took approximately four seconds from Eddy turned up the vibrations to Brett came with a quiet whimper, trying his best not to moan loudly or act unusual. Eddy leaned over the table and kissed him while the orgasm still flared through his body.

Next job on the agenda would be to do something about Eddy's very obvious trouser tent.

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