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When Eddy's brain finally made sense of what had happened, his eyes widened in fear. Fear that he had overstepped what was okay for Brett. Fear that the alcohol had clouded his judgement snd that Brett would hste him now.
"Shi... Brett, I... Uh... Sorry, I just..." he rambled, feeling his face turn red. He was kindof stuck with Brett still in his lap, otherwise he'd probably made a run for it out of embarrassment.
"I uh... Didn't think uh... It was me?" Brett half asked, trying to force his drunken mind to make sense of what had happened. "And uh, don't apologize, I guess? It wasn't uh... Bad?" Brett felt his stomach do a turn when he said it wasn't 'bad'. That was the understatement of the year, to say the least. It was the best darn thing that had happened in Yang's life since ever.
Eddy nodded vaguely, still feeling the adrenaline from the bravery making his hands trembly. He was certain Brett didn't see him the same way, but at least he hadn't slapped him and ran off. Or, that's what he thought until Brett spoke again, at least.

"Is... Uh, is it okay if... Uh... We try and do that again?" Brett asked clumsily with a slightly slurred speech. He wasn't sure if his sober self wanted that but his drunk self sure as hell did.
Eddy had not expected that at all, but nodded eagerly as a reply, not sure what else to do. There was nothing else he wanted more than to feel Brett's soft lips against his one more time.

Their faces slowly inched closer until their lips were almost touching. Neither of them wanted to make the call, but Brett's hot breath on his lips made Eddy shiver with excitement. They had never been this close, and it made his head spin.
"S... So.." Brett mumbled, feeling his upper lip brush against Eddy's as he spoke. "Do we...?" His voice was low, soft and slightly slurred, three things that made Eddy want to just have him there and then. He had to control himself.
"Y...yeah", Eddy breathed back, and before he could really finish the word Brett's lips were softly pressed agsinst his again, the taste of whiskey still lingering on his lips. Eddy's hands traveled up Brett's neck to tangle themselves into his soft hair, and he could feel Brett gentle pushing his back against the chair in an attempt to deepen the kiss.

Brett was the one to break the kiss, as Eddy was completely entranced by Brett's kiss.
"We should sleep..." he said, almost as a whisper, still way closer to Eddy's face than usual. "It is almost morning already." He hinted to how light the living room had become since Ray and Jordon had left, and Eddy forced himself to notice it.
"We should", he replied, even though he didn't really want to move on from this moment ever. He felt Brett slide down from his lap and pulling him out of the comfy chair into an embrace.
"Sleep with me tonight", he murred into Eddy's ear, still holding his hand. Eddy just nodded, not sure if he meant sleep together or "sleep" together. He knew he didn't mind either way as he followed Brett into his bedroom.

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