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Eventually, their group showed up and Eddy went with Ray and a few others to dance while Jordon and Brett stayed behind to watch everyone's drinks. Not that they worried a lot about getting roofied or something, but they did it just as a precaution as some of the girls there were a bit nervous.

Jordon took a tiny sip of his one drink he had been sipping for the entire night up until now, excusing his lack of drinking with "needing a sober mind to keep the creative process running". Brett knew that some of Jordon's best ideas was born while intoxicated though.
"Nice livestream, by the way. I was watching", Jordon commented and put his half full glass down on the table.
Brett shrugged. "Thanks. I feel like it only provided me with the largest mystery ever, to be honest", Brett replied, downing the rest of his beer. It wasn't really his favourite drink in the world, but it was cheap and it haf alcohol.
"Really? You mean that Eddy revealed he has a crush?" Jordon said, almost sounding surprised. "I thought it was obvious he has a crush and who he has a crush on, but maybe I'm wrong." Brett furrowed his eyebrows.
"How can it be obvious? I've literally tried to think about who it can be since he revealed it on the stream!" He moved his gaze to look at Eddy over at the dance floor, currently dancing and laughing with some girl Brett didn't know.
Jordon couldn't help but laugh. "Oh man, he hasn't told you who it is either? Well, I'm not about to tell you my suspiscions then, that's for sure." The composer took a big sip from his drink, more than Brett had seen him take so far, and Brett couldn't help but feel annoyed with how Jordon put it, that it was so 'obvious'. It very obviously wasn't obvious! Why did he not want to share his suspiscions, though? Did he think Eddy had a crush on Jordon? It didn't make sense to Brett.
"I'm sure you'll figure it out, Yang. Or Eddy will just tell you eventually", Jordon laughed and turned his gaze out towards the people from their group.

When Eddy came back to the table, it was obvious the shots he had earlier was starting to have an effect on him. He embraced Brett in a tight hug.
"Brettteeeeeyyy", he squeeled, and Brett automatically hugged him back like he always did. It was nice to see that drunk Eddy hadn't forgotten him completely, even though his crush was in the group. Again Brett tried to squeeze out of his brain who it could be, but nothing came out.
"Yeah, Eddy?" Brett laughed, thinking how absolutely adoreable Eddy was when he was drunk. Might have been that he wasn't exactly sober himself though, that made him think that.
"Wanna daaance with mee?" Eddy pleaded, knowing Brett wasn't hugely into dancing before he was really drunk. Brett wasn't really drunk just yet, but give it a drink and some shots and he might be getting somewhere.
"Why don't you ask your crush to dance?" Brett countered, not noticing Jordon's way too obvious laugh at the question.
"I did, but he's hesitant", Eddy said innocently, letting go of the hug.
"That's unfortunate", Brett replied, and in that moment Jordon lost it laughing. Eddy turned a bright shade of pink, fortunately a bit hidden in the dim room.
"I'll dance with you, Eddy, while your crush decides if he wants to", Jordon offered, and winked knowingly at Eddy even though he still wasn't really able to stop laughing at Brett's oblivious response.
"I'd like that, let's go!" Eddy exclaimed and dragged Jordon by the hand towards the rest of the group.

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