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Eddy made breakfast for Brett that day, loving the view he had of the smaller man sitting on the kitchen counter. Brett watched as Eddy flipped the eggs like he hadn't done anything else in his life, fascinated by the elegant movement.
"I can't believe you bother remembering my birthday. I'm just turning old", Brett said with a short laugh, and Eddy shrugged.
"I suppose that's the kind of thing I like to do for someone I care about", Eddy said with a smile. "And also, I didn't actually remember, but my phone did."
Brett laughed and playfully poked Eddy's arm.
"I knew it was something fishy about you suddenly remember things", he said jokingly, and Eddy leaned in to kiss him gently before turning his attention back to the eggs.

"I have ordered your birthday present, though", Eddy said, a tiny hint of a blush passing over his face. "Or well, one of them."
Brett snorted.
"One of them? Are there more than one? You don't have to do that, Eddy", Brett said poking his arm again. "It's your birthday soon too, so don't set a too high standard so I can't keep up."
Eddy turned to him with a look that just screamed "dude..."
"Says the guy who literally took me to the most expensive fucking restaurant I know of for our first date? Nothing I ever do will ever compare to that, so I'm going big for your birthday."
Brett scoffed.
"Dude, you don't have to do that. I'm happy as long as I get to spend time with you."
"And we ARE gonna spend time together, Brett, but with just something extra, okay?" Eddy said, turning his attention completely to Brett now. "Don't pretend your birthday isn't a big deal, because it kinda is. At least to me, because I love you."

Brett blinked a few times at that, not sure how to react. He didn't expect such an outburst from Eddy.
"What I'm trying to say, Eddy, is that you don't have to try and top that one date I took you on to try and impress you. I'll be happy with anything or nothing."
He reached out and pulled Eddy into a hug from the kitchen counter, and Eddy just let him.
"I know, I just want to make it special for you. You deserve that."
Brett nodded, still holding the hug.
"I know, Eddy. Thank you."

Breakfast was quiet for a while, only with the sounds of forks and knives hitting plates filling the room.
"So, what have you ordered for my birthday present?" Brett asked, a teasing smile forming on his lips. "Cause you're gonna tell me, right?"
Eddy's cheeks lit up.
"Nuh-uh. Gonna keep it a secret", Eddy said, shoving eggs in his mouth. "You're gonna have to recieve it before any other presents anyway, because I am not having you open it in front of other people."
Brett furrowed his brows.
"So it's something sexual, then?" he asked, giggling and taking a new bite if his eggs. "Okay, I get it."
Eddy's face turned as red as Eddy's face would get.
"I... I didn't say that..!" he exclaimed, realizing his face was giving him away. Brett snickered.
"Sure sure", he said, grinning at him. "I'll pretend to be surprised when I get it, no worries."

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