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Filming was so hard. Or, well, the filming itself wasn't so hard, but to act like you didn't want to push Brett against a wall and make out like there would be no tomorrow...
So when they got as far as the LingLing40hrs video, he just couldn't help placing a hand carefully on Brett's leg under the table. Brett stumbled over his own words as he did so, but smoothed over it by saying a pretty normal "Ugh, can't talk today".

They had a great time laughing at the memes, but Brett wasn't really there mentally anymore. His mind was only focused on the large hand on his leg, just above his knee. Did he move it further up? He peeked over at Eddy, still reading out some text on a meme. He really had to concentrate now, to not let his body react when Eddy actually did move it further up, now resting on his mid thigh. Shit shit shit...

He jumped when the alarm on Eddy's phone went off.
"Ooo looks like time is up! We hope to see you again next time!" Eddy exclaimed, removing his hand from Brett's thigh.
"Check out the meeeeerchhhh", Brett said, pointing to Eddy's t-shirt before making a weird sound while Eddy shut of the camera.

"Oh man, I'm mush", Eddy sighed and dumped into the couch with Brett right behind him with a cup of tea for them each. This was the best part of long hours of filming. The cuddling after.
"Yeah, me too", Brett said, putting the cups down on the table and sitting down next to Eddy. "You're so distracting." Eddy's cheeks lit up as he wrapped his arms around the smaller man.
"I don't know what you're talking about", he said innocently and kissed Brett's cheek. The hand placement earlier was totally random. Totally.
"Sure, liar", Brett mumbled as a reply and settled on the couch, resting his head on Eddy's chest.
"You accusing me of trying to seduce you or what?" Eddy joked, running his hand through Brett's hair.
"So that's what you were doing, hm?", Brett countered, tilting his head up to look at Eddy with a smile.
"Did it work?" Eddy replied, smiling innocently, placing his hand carefully on Brett's reddening cheek.
"Kinda?" Brett teased, reaching up to kiss the underside of Eddy's jaw just beneath his mouth.
"Hmmm gotta try harder, I think, if it only 'kinda' worked", Eddy smiled, leaning down to touch his lips against Brett's.

"We're forgetting our tea..." Brett mumbled, trying to sit up, but was immediately pulled back by Eddy.
"Nooo don't move", he whined jokingly, and Brett couldn't help but laugh as well.
"Come ooon, it's gonna get cold..." he giggled as his face was squished into the crook of Eddy's neck. "I want my teaaa..." he mouthed against the taller boy's neck. Eddy shivered at the touch.
"Mmm, but I'll get cold if you sit up...", Eddy mumbled, trying to ignore Brett's lips against his too sensitive neck.
"You can get a blanket", Brett grinned, trying to sit up again, succeding this time and reaching out to his cup. "Or you know, drink your tea."

At some point they decided to put on a movie they had gotten recommended by a friend of Ray's. It was a bit more scary than Eddy was comfortable with, but having Brett now resting heavily on his chest helped him avoid just yeeting himself out of the the couch. He distracted himself by ruffling Brett's hair back and forth, trying his best not to pay attention to the creepy movie. It wasn't until he heard snoring he realized they probably could have switched off the movie a while ago.

Eddy tried to reachthe controller on the table to switch off the movie, but woke Brett in the process.
"I'm so tired man", he mumbled while Eddy pressed "stop" on the controller. He put the controller down and went back to ruffling Brett's hair.
"Just sleep, it's fine", he said, moving a few strands of hair away from his face. "I'm gonna sleep too."
Brett sighed, still without having opened his eyes.
"We should go to bed though, I'm not about to listen to you complaining about your back all day tomorrow", he mumbled, even though he definitely didn't want to move.
"Yeah maybe", Eddy sighed. It was always a bit awkward going to bed. Would they sleep together or would they not? Most of the time they slept seperately, but sometimes not.
"You can sleep with me in my bed if you want", Brett offered as if he could read Eddy's mind, but still not making any indication he would move anytime soon.
"That would be nice", Eddy replied, running his hand through Bretts hair again with a smile on his lips. "But you'll have to walk there yourself, because I can't carry you." Brett snorted at the idea of Eddy carrying him.
"What? I'm so disappointed right now", he joked, still not moving from the incredibly comfortable position he was lying in. It was so tempting to just sleep some more right there.
"Well, I mean, I can try?" Eddy said mostly as a joke, but as soon as he said it he actually considered it.
"Good luck, I may not look like it, but I'm heavy", Brett said, now half asleep again. Eddy just snorted and slid put from underneath Brett onto the floor.
"I'll take that as a challenge", Eddy laughed as he scooped Brett up in his arms, bridal style. Brett wasn't really that heavy, but Eddy didn't exactly lift weights every day either.
"Holy sh..", Brett exclaimed in surprise, wrapping his arms around Eddy's neck in fear he'd fall. Eddy just laughed.
"You thought I wouldn't, huh?" he laughed and started walking towards Brett's bedroom. Brett finally relaxed, resting his head on Eddy's shoulder.
"Nah I didn't, but this isn't too bad", he mumbled, the adrenaline of the surprise wearing off and the sleepiness returning.
"Yeah?" Eddy asked as he pushed Brett's bedroom door open with his foot.
"Yeah, I don't think you should put me down ever", he grinned sleepily, leaning forward slightly to kiss Eddy's cheek. Eddy laughed.
"Sorry mate, I have to eventually" Eddy said, now just standing next to Brett's bed holding him firmly. He didn't actually want to put him down either, but his arms were getting tired.
"Noooo", Brett mumbled, snuggling his face into Eddy's neck, his hair tickling the underside of Eddy's jaw.
"My arms are getting sore, man, I'm sorry", he said, trying to put Brett carefully down on the bed but instead falling on top of him when Brett didn't let the arms he had around his neck go.
"Bretty!" he exclaimed as he fell, having to catch himself with his arms on either side of Brett's head on the bed to not crush the smaller man.

Brett looked up at Eddy, arms still wrapped around his neck. He was so close, he could feel Eddy's hot breath on his lips. He could feel his cheeks heating up and butterflies flying around like mad in his stomach.
"Th... this is nice..." Brett stuttered quietly, a small smile playing on his lips.
"Yeah", Eddy half whispered, seeing Brett's cheeks light up. Eddy didn't really know what to do from there. Brett looked so small under him like that, so vulnerable.
Brett looked up at him in anticipation, hoping for... something. He'd be happy with anything at this point.
"J... just kiss me already", he whispered, breathing out shakily, locking his eyes to Eddy's for a second.
"Okay", Eddy whispered back before closing his eyes and kissing Brett tenderly, causing an explosion of fireworks in his stomach.

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