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"Come home with me", Eddy mumbled into Brett's ear, his speech very slurred from alcohol now. They had kept buying each other drinks back and forth, and both were feeling the effects of it. Brett grinned and placed a kiss sloppily on Eddy's cheek. He was even more drunk than Eddy, partly because he couldn't handle as much alcohol as Eddy and partly because Eddy had started out by getting him some of the stronger stuff they had.
"I'd love that", he whispered, jokingly licking Eddy's neck with a wide strip of tongue, followed by a giggle.
"Please go home", Jordon groaned, tired of trying to deal with them doing stuff like that for the last couple of hours. It had started put innocently with a kiss to the cheek every bow and then, but licking each other was where Jordon drew his line. Ray laughed at Jordon's comment, but leaned over to poke Eddy's arm.
"Looks like Brettybang is pretty drunk there, be careful with him." He winked jokingly at Eddy, who tried to seem like he was just annoyed with the comment when he really was embarrased.
"Pffffttttt am not!" Brett exclaimed, sticking his tongue out at Ray, still with his hand on Eddy's thigh under the table they were sitting around. "Can actually take care of myyyyyself thanks." He moved his arm to place it tightly around Eddy's waist instead, ignoring Ray and Jordon. Eddy took a deep breath of relief just in time to feel Brett's lips touching his ear. "I'll take good care of you, though", Brett added as a hot whisper, giving Eddy the shivers and burning cheeks.

Moments later, Jordon had sent them on their way home. Brett was definitely trying to seem more sober than he was, keeping his arm tightly around Eddy's waist to be able to walk straight. He was fooling nobody, though, least of all Eddy.
"You're so cute when you're drunk", Eddy giggled, running his hand through Brett's hair as they walked. He loved how soft it felt between his fingers, and his brain flashed a picture of tugging it roughly during... Nope, not the time to think about that. Not yet. Brett grinned up at him.
"I'm not going for cute though, I'm going for hotttt." He dragged out the t, looking up at Eddy with an attempted flirty smile and trying to unbutton the top buttons of his shirt. Eddy kissed him quickly.
"I'll interpret that as buying you drinks worked", he laughed, trying to get Brett to move towards their house again. 
"Oh definitly, I'm having you when we get home", Brett said cheekily, causing Eddy's cheeks to flame up.
"Who's decided it's not me who is having you, hm?" Eddy challenged, feeling more nervous the closer they got to their house. He hadn't done anything properly like that before. Sure, he had touched a pair of boobs and gotten jerked off by his ex girlfriend, but being with Brett would be completely different. First of all, and most importantly: Brett was a guy.
They rounded a corner, but before they could walk past the brick building lying all the way up by the sidewalk, Brett had Eddy with his back against it, tiptoeing to kiss him deeply. Eddy felt a hand slide down his stomach, and he couldn't help but whimper as it passed his bellybutton. His brain was screaming in both surprise and pleasure at the same time. They were in public still, for crying out loud!
Out the blue, the hand was retracted and soft lips touched Eddy's ear again.
"That's why", Brett whispered, grinning cheekily again, before grabbing Eddy's hand and leading him towards their house.
"O...okay", Eddy exhaled shakily, following Brett obediently. This was a kind of drunk Brett that drunk Eddy REALLY liked.

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