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Eddy still couldn't believe Brett had taken him here, to the low lit restaurant with candles and fancy food. They had been given a menu each with prices that made Eddy really wonder if Brett had lost his mind to even consider taking him there. The waiter had already asked if they wanted any drinks to decide with, and Brett had suggested a glass of champagne for each of them. Eddy hadn't dared to see what that would cost, but accepted Brett's offer. Now he was sipping the way too fancy glass.

"So, what do you want?" Brett asked from behind the menu, trying to decide what he wanted himself. Eddy took a closer look at the menu, but just snorted at the prices.
"You're insane to take me here, you know", he said with a small laugh and peeked over the menu at Brett.
"Insane or in love, whatever you want to call it", Brett blurted out before he could think about what he said. When he realized it, his face turned a deep shade of red that was visible even in the dimly lit restaurant. Eddy almost choked on his champagne.
"Uh, I mean... uh..." Brett's cheeks might as well have been on fire at this point. Eddy put down his menu and reached over to touch Brett's hand.
"You're so sweet, you know that?" he said, seeking eye contact with Brett. Their eyes met and Brett couldn't help but smile.
"I try, alright?" he said, still a bit flustered.

The waiter had come over and asked if they were ready to order, but neither of them had found anything yet so they sent him away again. Both looked down on their respective menus, still with hands intertwined on the table.
"I'm thinking uh... the fourth option? I'm not about to try and pronounce French", Brett eventually said and looked back up at Eddy, who was still deciding.
"The... pollo...?" Eddy, asked, grinning at his own bad pronounciation. "I think it's Italian, by the way." Brett facepalmed.
"Totally knew that. Whatever, I'm having that", he said, happy he had decided. "What are you having?"
Eddy shrugged. "I guess I'll have that too, looks good. Pollo." They shared another laugh at the bad pronounciation and Brett asked the waiter over.

Eddy could feel Brett's thumb slowly stroking the top of his hand while they waited for the food. The waiter, a tall blond man, had taken their order and come with some wine for the pair.
"So... our first date, yeah?" Brett said with a smile playing on his lips. "Feels a bit weird, isn't the first date when people get to know each other?" Eddy's eyes followed a plate coming out from the kitchen with his eyes for a second before feeling his stomach growl. 
"I mean, what do I not know about you, though?" he said, turning his focus back to the handsome man in front of him. 
"Point taken. I was so frustrated not knowing who you had a crush on, though. It's been a while since there was something I didn't know about you." Brett placed his other hand on top of Eddy's, keeping his way larger hand between his smaller ones. 
"You was blind, man, I thought I was being so obvious! Especially because literally everybody else could tell." Eddy laughed, enjoying the feeling of Brett's slim fingers softly touching his hand. "Kind of worried you'd think I was disgusting, and you know, not talk to me ever again." Brett frowned at the last part, not sure if he should feel guilty about it or not.
"I could never hate you", Brett assured and lifted Eddy's hand to kiss the top of it, watching as a blush crept over Eddy's cheeks.

Eddy's stomach was finally happy when the food arrived. The chicken was wonderful, but he didn't dare to think about what such a fancy dish would cost.
"This food is so good", he mumbled in between chews. "But it's one hell of a standard you've set for any future dates, you know." The last part was said mostly as a joke, but he really worried a bit about how he could ever take Brett on anything that could possibly compare to this.
"I mean, I thought I'd impress you on the first date, you know", Brett joked back with a grin. Eddy shrugged.
"I mean, I am impressed, so I guess that worked."
They continued to eat in relative silence, neither really knowing what to say. They had been together all day before the date anyway, and they'd be together after the date. There were no rush in having things said.

After they were finished and their plates taken away, they were still just sitting in silence, enjoying each other's presence. It was the waiter who broke the silence.
"Would the gentlemen like some dessert?"
Eddy looked over at Brett as if asking permission, as he was paying, but Brett just smiled.
"Do you want dessert?" he asked Eddy, letting him decide. Brett didn't really mind either way.
"Uhm, we can look at the dessert meny then, at least. Thanks", Eddy said to the waiter and flashed him a smile.

The waiter came with the dessert menu and the pair checked it out.
"I'm so full, but that oreo cake with ice cream sounds so good... I don't want to order it and just have like half, though", Eddy sighed, daydreaming about that cake.
"We can share it, if you want?" Brett offered with a smile, having thought about the oreo cake himself.

"I mean, if you're sure?" Eddy asked, and just a few minutes later they found themselves eating from each side of the single piece of oreo cake on the plate in front of them.
"Man, good choice, this was so good", Brett half moaned, causing Eddy's mind to go to a place it definitely should not in a fancy restaurant like this. He partly blamed it on the three glasses of wine and the glass of champagne he had earlier that evening, but he knew that wasn't the whole truth.
"I'm glad you liked it too, would've sucked it you didn't. If don't know if you saw the price, but I'm glad I'm not paying", Eddy said with a nervous laughter. Brett grinned.
"Nah, I got it. Worth every penny."

Brett paid for their meal and eventually the two boys found themselves walking back home. Brett, who didn't really handle alcohol that well and who had out of nervousness had a few more glasses of wine than Eddy, felt the effects as the two boys walked hand in hand. He hoped Eddy hadn't noticed, though.
"Thanks for the dinner", Eddy said, squeezing Brett's hand. "I'm not sure how to top this ever."
"So there will be a second date?" Brett asked, trying to sound jokingly hopeful when he really was genuinely hopeful. At least he hadn't ruined anything with this date.
"Yeah, I guess there will be", Eddy replied, smiling widely before leaning over to kiss Brett's hair.

TouchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora