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Staring out at the rain, holding a cup of warm tea and wearing your boyfriend's hoodie was rather nice. Having his arms wrapped around your waist, knowing he's wearing your hoodie as well? Even better.

"I hope the rain won't stop anytime soon," Eddy sighed, leaning back against Brett's chest. "This is too nice."

"I rather like this too," Brett sighed contentedly, kissing the top of Eddy's head before taking a sip of his tea. "And you're adoreable wearing my hoodie."

Eddy snorted and had a sip of his tea.
"Yeah? Have you ever seen yourself wearing my hoodies? Because that's some adorable shit right there."
His ass hurt slightly from sitting on the floor, but it was worth it when he got to feel Brett's slow breathing against his neck and his arms around him.

"I wear your hoodies because it's comfy," Brett mumbled, watching another rain cloud pass over the sky. "They make me feel safe."

Eddy tilted his head back to look up at Brett. He didn't know how to respond to that. Instead, he emptied his teacup and set it aside.

"I guess it's a bit weird," Brett commented when Eddy didn't say anything, placing his teacup next to Eddy's and leaning back against the window sill. "But I usually feel safe when I'm around you. And the hoodie reminds me of you."

"Sounds like I died," Eddy snorted, intertwining his fingers with Brett's where they rested in his lap. "But it's not weird. I feel safe right now because of you."

Brett kissed his head again and caressed Eddy's hand with his thumb.
"Good to hear. Would suck if I made you feel unsafe," he laughed softly, running a hand through his hair with his available hand.

"Like I sometimes do, yeah," Eddy mumbled, and Brett could immediately feel the shift in his mood. He held him tighter.

"If you're gonna bring up the public toy thing again now, we already talked about this," Brett sighed and kissed the side of his head. "And you literally couldn't have known, anyway."

He hated how quiet Eddy got. It just reminded him of how stupid he had been for overreacting about it in the first place, how sad Eddy had looked the following morning and how it had been his fault.

"Eddy, please..." Brett began, but Eddy shifted and stood up from the position, sitting in between Brett's legs.

"I'm sorry about that whole thing, okay? I know I fucked up, I should have seen that you were uncomfortable, I shouldn't have suggested it at all," Eddy said, sounding more and more like he was about to cry with every word. Brett stood up quickly.

"Eddy, love, don't... don't cry, love. It's fine. I made the promise to do whatever you wanted and I agreed to doing it outside. You couldn't have known I'd suddenly change my mind like that, Eddy," Brett explained, taking Eddy's hand and pulling him into a hug. "Shh, Eddy love, don't cry, don't..."

Brett reached up to wipe the tear running down his cheek, but Eddy pulled away.

"I guess I just... I don't feel like I am nearly as good for you as you are for me?" Eddy sniffled, trying to wipe his own tears. He felt like an idiot, knowing Brett would insist that wasn't the case. He should just try and be better instead of crying about it." I'm sorry, I just... You do all these nice things for me and... "

"I do all these nice things for you because I want to be good enough for you, Eddy," Brett interrupted him, causing him to stop and stare at his boyfriend who didn't know where to look anymore. "To... to make up for all the years I was an actual idiot. I just want to make up for that."

"Wh... what?" Eddy asked, wiping the remaining tears on his cheek. "You don't... That's not..."

"It's stupid, I know, I just... I can't help but feel bad about it. I'm sorry it's making you feel bad. I'll... I'll try to stop, I guess? I don't know," Brett mumbled, sitting down on the bed and wrapping his arms around himself. Eddy sat down next to him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"What I gather from this... " he began, letting Brett rest his head on his chest. "Is that we're both idiots."

Brett snorted and closed his eyes.
"I suppose," he agreed, trying to calm his breathing. "I think I have a solution so we can play in public like you wanted, though."

Eddy furrowed his brows and stroke Brett's back gently.
"We don't have to do that. It was a stupid idea," he said, shaking his head. "I shouldn't have suggested it."

"Stop, Eddy, I want to try this if you're on board with my idea," Brett sighed, placing a soft kiss against Eddy's neck. "We just need a safe word."

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