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The four boys had spread out on the couch and on the floor in front of the tv. Eddy had chosen a spot on the floor with his back leaning against the armrest where Brett was resting his arm, hoping to get some contact with him. Jordon had been made to sit beside Eddy on the floor as Ray jokingly had insisted he needed more than half the couch to himself. This had made Brett suspiscious, that Ray would insist that Jordon had to sit next to Eddy.

The movie they were watching was some kind of badly made action movie they found in the deep end of their streaming service's "action"-category. It caused a lot of laughter due to bad effects, which was perfect for an evening like this. Brett wasn't really paying attention to the movie anymore though, as he emptied his third can of beer. He was not so subtly trying to see the communication going on between Eddy and Jordon, even though Ray every once in a while tried to ask his opinion on a bad effect in the movie.

Jordon seemed to listen more to the movie than he watched it, like he often did when there was a composer he liked involved.
"Did you hear that?" Jordon had leaned in to whisper to Eddy, as not to disturb the other two movie watchers, not realizing how it could look a little more gay than it was to have his lips almost touching another man's ear while eagerly asking something like that. "The theme from earlier, connected to the main character, it just came back bur in a minor key. Did you notice?" Eddy gave it some thought and nodded.
"Yeah, think I get what you mean", he whispered back, but this time feeling Brett's presence intensely behind him. He realized how it could look, and didn't really want him to get the wrong idea.

Brett thought he for sure had a strong indicator to who it was now, even though he wanted to rethink it when he was a bit more sober. It had to be Jordon. His stomach made a flip, the jealous kind. It seemed not completely impossible it could work out between Eddy and Jordon. What would happen to their friendship? Especially the more physical part of it? He didn't really want to stop being able to hug Eddy when he needed it, or give up the way they usually watched movies together, but if he was gonna be with Jordon he'd probably be replaced for all that. He didn't really want to share Eddy with Jordon, or anyone, more than he already did. He reached for the whiskey bottle on the side table and poured some into one of the glasses next to it.
"Pour some for me too, please, Bretty", Eddy said sweetly, turning to look up at Brett who just smiled back at him and did as requested before handing him the glass.

The movie was over and Eddy and Jordon had missed the ending discussing the various themes that came back when the different characters appeared.
"I mean, it's a bit like Star Wars, right? With the themes following the characters and places?" Eddy asked Jordon, who most definitly had more knowledge on stuff like this than him. He was starting to feel the alcohol affect him slightly, but he wouldn't say he was drunk. Not yet at least.
Jordon was about to reply when Ray interrupted the conversation.
"Hey why don't we play like a drinking game or something?", he said excitedly. "You're all way too sober still."

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